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I am off on a cruise on the 25th. From Sydney to PNG, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong, and Singapore and then we are flying to the Philippines. Two months all together. Now what shall I pack?

Jolanta 9 Feb 8
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Pack plenty of hand sanitizer, Lysol disinfectant spray, rubber gloves, face masks, reading material, for when you are quarantined..
Um.. have fun?
I would cancel...


Be careful honey, hand wash at least

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 4, 2020

So exciting! Don't know what you packed but I bet it is going to be a blast.
Now I am scrolling up to see your other posts 😁

Heidi68 Level 8 Mar 4, 2020

A few face masks , paracetemol, and plenty of reading material to while away the quarantine period.

Moravian Level 8 Feb 25, 2020

I love cruising, and traveling in general. I hate to admit it, but if my tour operator (cruise line) or trip insurance (credit card?) would allow me to cancel a trip (especially a cruise!) to Asia in the next few months for minimal cost, I'd probably take them up on it.

I have high hopes that the current mortality rate is artificially high, due to both underreported mild cases thanks to limited testing capacity, and overwhelmed healthcare systems in hard hit regions. Regardless, if I could back out with little financial impact, I would seriously consider it - and I would most definitely purchase highly rated medical travel insurance if I choose to take the trip.

If you do go, make a point of stepping up your hand washing and keeping your hands off your face - and yes, I'd bring a decent supply of disposable masks for times you'll be in close contact with others, like tours. Safe travels!!

synergy Level 6 Feb 11, 2020

I shall do that.


A lot of disposable face masks.

Redmon17 Level 5 Feb 9, 2020

pack some good books to ward off the boredom.

What you think I may be bored? I have been on several cruises and not one minute was I bored. Lots to do and many people to meet.

@Jolanta , good for you.
never been on a cruise. although i did visit quite a few ports while in the Navy.
i probably should take my wife on a cruise. just can't think of anywhere i'd like to visit on a ship.

@callmedubious The life onboard is very pleasant. Lovely food, lots of new people to meet and being entertained morning noon and night is not to be sneezed at. Cunard line have a cruise that circumnavigates South America, it sails from Forth Lauderdale. I would love to do that one. It goes into the Amazon river too.

@Jolanta , i don't think i'd get my moneys worth as i'm not a big eater. but i do like my drinks which would probably be quite expensive. basically i'd be subsidizing the other ppl.

@callmedubious Well there is more to life than drinking and a lot of cruises have a drink packages, not Cunard though they are above that, he, he.


yes as light as possible as you may want to buy a lot of what you need over there ,Enjoy your trip to the fullest .stay safe

RoyMillar Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

It'll be important to know your access to laundering/laundry before you begin. Most pack too much.

There is a laundry for a small fee.


Pack light please.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 8, 2020
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