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Ilhan Omar tweeted today that it's time for UBI. I think it's going to happen sometime soon!

MeggieCleary 6 Apr 26
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UBI happens now registering 40 million new voters for WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US....I am so betrayed by Yang endorsing corrupt BidenS.....Joe and demoRAT cronies are WORSE THAN TrumpOLINI....war crimes since 1973 can never be forgiven.....45 is only 3 years into all the killings in 160 countries....blind hatred of orange face is no reason to support a lifelong mentoree of Strom Thurmond in the SENATE....BidenS bribes taken in 10 countries not just China&ukraine is what is wrong with USA since 1946 murdering Palestinians for their land

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Posted by MeggieClearyYang’s new book, “Forward” comes out today.

Posted by burnhippiesforI saw a little bit of Yang's Rogan interview, and some debate clips.

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