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I love many of Andrew’s ideas. I’m also a proud Bernie supporter.

Having lived in Sweden in the 80’s, I KNOW socialism is something everyone can live better with.

Yes, ending in a preposition, but, I wanted the effect. 😉

BlizzardMan 5 Sep 30
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I’ve relatives in Sweden, who envy our ability to become filthy rich… It’s weird discussing things with them; they love their perks, but hate their taxes … and would probably be Republicans if they lived here 😕

I remember growing up in a nation that called Socialism 'Communism,’ then condemned both in order to promote (cutthroat) Capitalism.. Likely an Eisenhower/ Nixon era hangover.

I believe both Andrew and Bernie have endorsed Joe Biden for President, so there’s now one viable choice. I made it a day ago, voted early! I’d liked E. Warren, until I didn’t, then did again … but I’m good with Biden & Harris - they’re our first step toward recovery. But - they’re gonna need the Senate, as well as the House, in order to move the agenda in Bernie's direction.

Varn Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

I wonder how many of these relatives understand the cost. One thing they do not see is the poverty. Go to inner city Stockholm and then go to inner-city Chicago or to make the comparison similar, inner city Philadelphia. When you go and see the difference in the two you will except the socialist version every time. I have done. I have lived in Philadelphia and lived in Stockholm and seeing the difference.

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Posted by MeggieClearyYang’s new book, “Forward” comes out today.

Posted by burnhippiesforI saw a little bit of Yang's Rogan interview, and some debate clips.

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