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Is anyone into fasting? I'm on my second water fast this month. I am doing this because a friend told me about new research that shows fasting generates stem cells, it also cleans out damaged mutated cells, and regenerates the immune system. I water fasted for 5 days and felt fabulous afterwards. I'm now on day 2 of second fast. I got into fasting as a teen, but bought a juicer 20 years ago and never water fasted again. So regret it now as juicing does not give these results at all.

IrishGypsy 5 June 23
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For the past fourteen years, I have been engaged in the fact that I fast every week for one day. Each of us needs to be cleansed and feel our body. Some people do it out of curiosity, but I have been practicing Ayurveda since I was a teenager. That is why fasting is a common thing for me. If someone wanted to do the same practice for a long time, but was afraid of something, I can advise the site [] / . With it, you can not only learn more about this amazing medical practice, but also consult with current doctors.

Lanoyolar Level 1 Feb 18, 2022

It's as effective as colonic irrigation! I guess everyone has some shit to get rid of.

Atheist3 Level 7 Dec 3, 2019

I fast regularly one a week. But if I'm really hungry, I will eat a piece of fruit or something. I practice Ayurveda.

SukiSue Level 8 July 15, 2018

as a rule i fast one day a week, that's between 36 & 40 hours, drinking water & herbal tea only.


I haven't tried it yet but I have heard very good things about it.

doug6352 Level 7 June 23, 2018

I would love to try a six day water fast, but I would need to be looked after I think.

I have fasted before, due to illness, and I felt great afterwards. It is anti ageing.

I have a friend who uses intermittent fasting. He looks great.


I've heard about it, never tried it. Yet.

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