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I hate the fact that the American healthcare industry is for-profit and treats us all like consumers rather than patients. This is the result of having such a flawed system here in America.

SukiSue 8 Nov 25
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ye know ye can still sign up fer obamacare, an the more folk that do, the harder it is fer he who needs to be watered twice a week coz he's so stupid to shut it down -

wotsthat Level 6 Nov 26, 2018

I get insurance through an employer. I'm pretty sure if I have that option I can't get on Medicare or Medicaid. And the ACA has now been stripped of its most important aspect. My pre-existing condition will no longer be covered. Who will take me now?

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Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?

Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by HippieChick58This is why I try to avoid prescription medications.

Posted by HippieChick58Yoga philosophy

Posted by HippieChick58I eat butter, never margarine.

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!

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