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What are the best come-backs someone pushing flat earth science? I can't seem rid of these folks from my facebook realm.

LouisD61 7 July 13
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I don't really argue with them because I don't think a lot of them are capable of reasonable thought seeing how they do not use actual science for their "experiment's" but a very valid argument is the boat on water and test the drop with a laser. Watch this video!

Jjones Level 4 July 24, 2018

I have never heard of flat earthers. It is scary to think there are people who believe that..

They seem to be multiplying, and Betsy DeVoss is in charge of education.

@LouisD61 That bitch fried her brain on speed.


their science is just sterling work spirit levels on a plane tennis balls to represent the earth not knowing a damn thing about how big the fcking planet they actually bloody live on is fck em 🙂

weeman Level 7 July 21, 2018

block them. works great.

Thanks and done!

I have a Facebook page. It is 10 years old. I have almost 2000 friends. They post, mingle, and many become friends. It is primarily the page of an activist. I have many causes. My people are usually never ever any problems. They seem to get along. Some are my friends from IMVU. I have been there over 10 years. I do some easy 3D developing, IMVU can be very addictive and not easy for someone with mental issues. I rarely socialized. I have trouble trying to get products created.


Many flat earthers are trolls. Trolling with outrageous claims is a great way to get free publicity.

Tyson is a fantastic publicist for B.o.B. And the relationship is mutually beneficial. The controversy got Tyson some exposure in hip hop forums. Also some exposure for Tyson's wannabe rapper nephew.

TL;DR it's folks like you that are energizing the Flat Earther movement. If you didn't feed the trolls, they'd wither and die.

HopDavid Level 4 July 18, 2018

Why would a famous basketball player need more attention with something so silly as to accept a flat earth brain fart. I don't get it.

@LouisD61 Lots of famous folks troll to get more attention. Donald Trump for example. Neil deGrasse Tyson for another.
And some of the trollers weren't that famous to start. B.o.B. was and is a sub mediocre musician. I'd guess Tyson has boosted B.o.B.'s name recognition ten fold.


Wow! I’ve heard of flat earthers, but never met one. As a skeptic I’m inclined to believe that no one is really a flat earther, and that they’re only doing this for attention. How do they explain the navigational patterns of aircraft and ships transitting the oceans? They always use great arc circle navigation. Even though both cities are very close to the same latitude, a plane or ship leaving San Francisco headed for Tokyo never heads west, but always heads towards Alaska following the curvature of the earth to save time/fuel, thus proving that a straight line is never the shortest distance between two points on the sphere!

I honestly think people believe the earth is flat. I know someone who does and they definitely are not doing it for attention. Their rational is so ass backwards. I've watched videos where they try to disprove the earth is spinning by suggesting when a helicopter is hovering the earth does not spin below them. Therefore the earth must be flat and not a spinning sphere. They literally do not understand relativity.

@Jjones Having spent a good part of my career in satellite operations and space launch, I find it incomprehensible that a lunatic fringe of insane individuals like these flat earthers could exist in the 21st century, and have the unmitigated chutzpah to demand to be heard. I'd like to put these people on top of a rocket, bound for the ISS, and then dare them to open the air lock! By the way, I noted that the Tesla roadster with Starman had an empty seat ... pity that a spokesperson for this deranged cult wasn't seated in the passenger seat!


I like Bill Nye's remark the best. "No problem with the flat earth hypothesis, tell me where the edge is and I'll go see for myself,"

One would think that 'edge-of-the-earth' real estate would be prime--what a view!

Great point. It would be spectacular. @pnfullifidian

@mratheistshirt In a funny way, I wish it were true ... I would go there in a heartbeat for the experience!


Tell them you'll get a rope and harness and hang him over the side. Tell him we will sell tickets to the event and he'll be rich. See if he is willing to put his ass in space..

That made me laugh. Thank you.


If they beleive in FE.. then they are suckers... sell them a false reality.

JohnBeret Level 5 July 14, 2018

For the past 18 years, there has been a crew of 3 or more people inhabiting the ISS. Turn on NASA TV and you can see them. They give interviews with the ground on a regular basis. You can find the schedule of when the ISS will pass over where you live, and you can see it fly by. I've seen it twice, without trying. There is no such thing as "flat earth science". Somebody's pulling your leg. I think people who claim the earth is flat, is just people so desperate for attention, they pick a ridiculous premise to call attention to themselves. I would ignore them. The evidence for the round earth is so easy to find, that for people to say otherwise, they are either lying or they are mentally deficient.

novoxguy Level 6 July 14, 2018

10 ways you can tell that the earth is not flat:


Heraclitus Level 8 July 14, 2018

Clicked on the link and enjoyed the reading. I don't think I've seen the stick illustration before. I will definitely use this. Thanks.


Flat earth “science”? Is there such a thing? You could ask them about Sputnik, or talk about the video’s of Felix Baumgartner’s jump from a helium balloon on the edge of space.

Denker Level 7 July 14, 2018

They are calling it a science I'm afraid. Saying that NASA has fabricated photos and other garbage.

Did you hear...there is a glass dome that is preventing and rockets or satellites from leaving Earth's atmosphere -.- that would be the answer to your rebuttal from a FE.

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