3 7

"one of them is a weirdo"

We're still finding moons around Jupiter and reconstructing the history of the early solar system.


vcg1234 7 July 17
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Nice diagram, article, artist rendition but the amount of number crunching and work involved to find these things then explain it is enormous!

Lukian Level 8 July 17, 2018

We need probe out there to watch the inevitable collision!


The so-called weirdness is a retrograde rotational orbit.
BTW, six of the planets also rotate about their axis in this same direction. The exceptions—the planets with retrograde rotation—are Venus and Uranus. Venus's axial tilt is 177 degrees, which means it is spinning almost exactly in the opposite direction to its orbit.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 17, 2018

Yep - so much for the conservation of angular momentum - solar system is still settling down from formation. Cool we still find surprises like this.

As a consequence, a year on Venus (225 Earth days) is just short of two Venus days (116 Earth days).

Fascinating! As a pool player, I'm reminded of what can occur on a break ... balls heading a every direction, some remaining close to their original position, and some spinning in opposite directions. Perhaps one day in the not-too-distant future we will be able to accurately (within an acceptable margin of error) model, and render, the forces and reactions that took place during the formation of our planetary system.

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