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This group seems to have gone dormant. I am somewhat housebound and spend a lot of time watching the birds in my garden. I am in the UK, so I don't get anything like the number of species members in Australia, New Zealand, and the USA will get, but I would still be interested in chatting about them. Anybody out there?

CeliaVL 7 Oct 27
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Welcome to the group Celia. Please feel to post many & beautiful photos.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 28, 2024

My photos are not very good since I only use my phone from inside the house. I would love to take good photos of my birds but I think I have left it too late to start investing in expensive equipment. I get 27 varieties of birds on my feeders so I am well entertained

@CeliaVL these days phone cameras have considerably improved My latest which cost about £250 has a camera that I read is about 3x the quality of the old Olympus SLR 35 mm. The editing programs do an unbelievable job of correcting everyday problems like out of focus, slanting photos, contrast etc.

@FrayedBear I'd love to share some of my photos - especially the greater spotted woodpecker, so Iwill look at these programmes.

@CeliaVL try Pixlr []

@CeliaVL the remove background can be quite useful to highlight the subject.


I have set up a bird bath by putting a pyrex pan on the patio wall. I also have some birdseed in a bowl. I love watching the sparrows flutter in the bath. I'll glance over and see half a dozen with others waiting their turn in the nearby lemon tree. I also get finches, pigeons and the odd crow. The hummingbirds hover and watch the action.

racocn8 Level 9 Oct 27, 2024

Sparrows - out here also known as feral pests - an imported species along with indian Mynahs, rabbits, goats,pigs, cats & dogs, camels & humans of all colours!!


Celia, I am in upstate New York, surrounded by apple orchard and a rural road. I like to sit on my front porch and watch the birds, but many species gave already left for warmer climates. It is quite cold here in the morning. The apple harvest is almost complete, except for the winter variety. We have two million apple trees in this county. I can hear owls but have not seen any, and the geese and water fowl that come every year to the many ponds and creeks in the area make quite a racket, but they will be gone too.
This is the time I make suet balls to hang out in the winter.

Spinliesel Level 9 Oct 27, 2024

Recipe please & welcome to the group Antje.

Suet balls seem to be the least favoured among the foods I put out, but I have used commercial ones up to now. Maybe I should try making my own.

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