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X-ray of an American Crow that came in today with a potentially broken leg. As you can see, no broken bones. Unfortunately, poisoning is suspected.

Insectra 8 July 13
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how sad; i empathize with every feathered being. is there a cure?

Help them by leaving them to their lives. Some days I eat lunch with one or two. This is George, he has been coming to the shop for years.


Crows are a big nuisance in my area.

GuyKeith Level 8 July 13, 2018

Crows are not a nuisance friend. People are. We move into their habitat, alter it & call them nuisance as you did with Canadian geese. Wildlife isn't the nuisance. We are. Crows are one of the most intelligent birds using tools. They have extended family structures. They need to poop somewhere.

@Countrywoman I like some birds more than others. My chickadees, finches and goldfinches do not scream at the top of their lungs starting at the crack of dawn all day every day. I know all about crows especially how resourceful they are. They dominate my birdbath and run the other birds off

@GuyKeith Yes they intimidate the other birds but only temporarily. They sqwauk at dawn to announce the coming day, territory, & possible danger. They chase hawks also not just the little guys. They do take baby birds & eggs from the little guys. Their voice is not melodious & because of your dislike doesn't make them a nuisance. I do not permit crows at my feeders. I do not feed them They are urban nowadays because of the food garbage people leave around. Taking advantage of our indiscretions may make them opportunists, but we are the nuisance. I am not saying they are not a welcome bird at the feeders but they are only adapting to us. We not to them. By nature my resident Cooper's & sharpshin hawks take birds at my feeders but they are adapting to my feeding birds & thusly concentrating them in a small area. I am the nuisance. Starlings & euro sparrows are far more damaging to our native birds. An invasive species that reduced our eastern bluebird populations. It is all in ones perspective isn't it, friend?

@Countrywoman Exactly. And my perspective is different from yours. That does not mean I’m a bad person. I do not harm the crows in anyway some of my neighbors feed peanut to the squirrels down the street. The crows get the peanuts and bring them to my birdbath for softening. There’s nothing I can do

@GuyKeith You are correct sir. You are not a bad person. Remove the bird bath is one idea. But then you wouldn't have the crows as a "nuisance" with their amazing resourcefulness softe I wish ning their peanuts. Some areas are even trying to ban feeding of birds & squirrels as they are perceived as "nuisances". Even hanging laundry out on a line in the back yard is being challenged. The encroachement of the virus with shoes as more habitat is converted to our liking.

@Countrywoman My other birds that I love would suffer if I moved the birdbath. I would never do that

I lived on an Indian Reeservation in the Southwest and was told to never shoot a crow. One never knows if it is a crow or a helping spirit. I do not harm crows, the Indians have been there for thousands of years and know much more than I.


Beyond the suspected poisoning, that’s a beautiful x-ray

@LetzGetReal, great - & funny - portrait!

@LetzGetReal great shot, how did you get so close, they don't hold still for me.

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