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The bald eagle used to be my favourite bird - when I was a child in the USA. But as an adult, in AUS, I've learnt to love the inquisitive magpies and crows. Research has shown that they actually recognise and remember people.

Here are magpies that were watching me have my lunch. My back was turned to them but I managed to sneak my phone to one side and take this photo. Every time I looked back to watch them, the lead magpie would hop away. And it would hop back when I turned my back.

SamKerry 7 Feb 11
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Apparently there are two bald eagles in the woods behind my house. I have not encountered them yet because they are sheltering in the winter. I'm keeping my eyes open though. I think they may be a nesting pair. That would be sooo cool!

marmot84 Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

i love magpies. i consider them the most beautiful singers; "rolling marbles in their beak" i once heard someone describe it. when i leave my place for a walk along the country lane, i always greet the maggies i meet.


I totally envy you! I started realizing how different magpies are when I first encounteted this video. We do not have magpies where I live. ):

Zster Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

L 😀 L ! well, that one is the master of clowns. haven't encountered one myself as silly as it. but, yeah, just to hear them warbling makes me smile - looks as though you have to move, @Zster 🙂

You know if I was to move, I should consider the birds I'd be moving TO! Why not?

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