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Preparing canvases. I used to make my own stretchers, stretch the canvas, apply several coats of gesso sanding between each coat. Now I buy pre-made canvases with gesso already applied.
The problem is that acrylic paint quite often does not adhere to these canvases; at least not the first pass of color blocking.
The reason: likely there is oil present.
The solution: gesso, sand and then gesso again. Repeat until the desired texture is achieved. Super smooth can take several applications .

I like having a little “tooth” so I usually only do two or three coats.

How do you work your canvases?

HelenRoseBuck 6 June 18
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By gesso, you mean rabbit skin glue?

Annaleda Level 8 Sep 15, 2021

I have not been a painter but am considering taking up acrylics, so this is good to know.

KateOahu Level 8 June 18, 2021

That's a tricky question. I am certainly not an artist and have had no training. When I paint, it's in a canvas book and I just let the paint and brushes make me feel like a fool. I'm jealous of those of you that create such wonderful worlds. Keep at it!

Holysocks Level 8 June 18, 2021

Same to you! Keep at it. No two artists are alike and EVERYONE is a creative person so do your thing!

You are absolutely right! I don't complain about my paintings especially since some of my metal work has been shipped overseas. The important thing is to enjoy what you do.

@Holysocks just took a peek at your page and saw some of your art. Love it!

Thank you! Some of it is ridiculous, and some serious. I love making all of it if it makes someone smile.

I take it you are into photography as well?

@Holysocks amateur photographer. I take mostly reference photos for my paintings

They can be accidentally beautiful too.

You got it. If it's painted nails in an old board, framed dried flowers, etc. If someone is expressing themselves, it's beautiful.

Okokok.most of my work might be placed among pictures of flatus....

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