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Viva la revolución.

repubatheists 7 Sep 3
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On a side note, I recall the episode of Top Gear (the British TV car show) where the hosts and TV crew went to Argentina. Eventually word got out that Europeans were filming and a mob approached them while they were driving and threw rocks at their vehicles and caused major damage. They had to flee the country.


I have to admit I was one of those teens who had subtle admiration for Che Guevara. I had watched the film Motorcycle Diaries and hadn't read about his background in depth. Do young people a favor and question them about the "leaders" they look up to.

Sugar coated by whom? In Argentina the Che Guevara is no liked / respected...not at all.

If they look up to Che Guevara they could be dangerous.

@DUCHESSA The air flight company Norwegian Airlines has a new flight route to Buenos Aires so they released a magazine listing things to do there and one of the main articles was about Che Guevara. They presented him in a positive light since they're trying to get tourists to travel.

@Trajan61 The Che myth is very much rejected ....

The only good thing about that movie is the sound track by Gustavo Santaolalla...also Argentinean.

@DUCHESSA Yes! I did purchase the soundtrack.


I flew to the US from Sweden on Norwegian Airlines this past summer and a magazine talked about Norwegian's new direct flight route to Buenos Aires. I was amazed how sugar coated the article was when it mentioned Che Guevara, like oh he was a cool guy, go to his museum.


He was a blood thirsty piece of crap!

Trajan61 Level 8 Sep 3, 2018

Calm down brother... he got what he deserved.
On another note. At the Che' memorial I bought a cool black Polo Shirt with his face and name embroidered on the pocket. Cuban flag on the right sleeve too! I wore it to work when I got home.
I was on a TS project at WPAFB. Fun times!!!

One final Che' note.
I gave my Che' Polo Shirt to the one star I Was working for when he PCS'd to Korea. Going away parties are great fun in the USAF. he sent me a pic taken at his squadron 'O' club over there, wearing it. I did keep a t-shirt I picked up at the same time. Not something to wear around my neighborhood though.

He was a guerrillero...a SOB....a very rich piece of crap.

@bigpawbullets Did you wear that T shirt in Argentina? Could be painful.

Nope. I was in and out of Buenos Aires back in 1998 through 2006. We didn't visit Cuba until 2016.

@bigpawbullets Were you there with DEA?

Nope. I worked for a pet food company at the time. The Iams Company. First addressing the non-issue of Y2K on all computer equipment, then building a large, automated pet food plant.

@DUCHESSA It’s kind of disturbing that there’s people out there who still support him.

@bigpawbullets Well.....

@bigpawbullets, @Trajan61 Only the ignorants...

I don't remember the exact year, but the Argentine currency was in hyper inflation. We had to pay the contracting companies building that plant in gold.

@bigpawbullets It could have been any year the Peronists were in power.


I toured the HUGE memorial and tomb of Che' outside Havana 3 years ago. Pretty much a Founding Father memorial there. Heavily guarded by a Cuban version of our "Old Guard". No talking! No pictures inside!
Every country has it's own version of history and the myths of their Founding Fathers.

  1. Ernesto "Che" Guevara Lynch was not Cuban but Argentinean....and a member of one of the riches families (landowners) of Argentina..

  2. He was a SOB and this was / is told by those who were unlucky enough to cross his path.

  3. Castro order his murder when the Che not longer served Castro's goals.

  1. El Che is an insult to Argentina.

I agree Duchess. No love for Ernesto in Buenos Aries when I was working there.

@bigpawbullets He was a guerrillero...a terrorist.

Did you piss on it?

Lots of serious young men with AKs standing around. So I just took secret pictures with a GoPro.

@bigpawbullets Do you speak enough Spanish to grasp the double meanings / innuendos about the Che?

I speak little if any Spanish at all.

@bigpawbullets I asked because in order to understand how a nation feels about a given person...specially a pig like the needs to manage the land's language back and forth.

The subject never came up when I was there.

@bigpawbullets Probably a good idea.

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