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How relieved or angry do you get when a new movie is released and it does/does not come up to the original books standard...or how many films have you watched based on the books you have read that actually made you smile in relief...

James121 7 Sep 20
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It depends. I'm all free creative license and etc. However if they advertise it and they lean on the fact that it's adapted from blank. Then the movie or series or whatever for lack of a better term shits on the source material. That's when I get bothered. When you can say watch a movie and instead of being engrossed you are constantly thinking something like, in the novel they blanked or actually in the video games they blank. That's when you have a bad adaptation.

Kashif Level 5 Dec 6, 2018

I think it's pretty hard to live up to the standards set by a book. In books, we get a lot of what goes on in the characters' heads which can be hard to convey on film.


Smile in relief?

I waited 45 years for the Marvel Cinematic Universe! That's some pretty heavy expectation!!!

DiogenesUK Level 5 Sep 21, 2018

Ready Player One has to be the only movie that I’ve preferred over the book. Most of the Harry Potter movies were great. The worst movie adaptation was Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, it was terrible.

RandyMoose Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

As a huge fan of the book, I was quite relieved to see that Ready Player One was so well done!


Not exactly a movie, but I was really disappointed when Halo Reach didn't follow the cannon and continuity of the book The Fall of Reach. I was excited to play in some of the epic battles and meet the legendary characters in the book, but we got something altogether different.

RandyMoose Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

True but it was more of a different retelling of reach. As in while blank was going on in the book the events of the game were occurring elsewhere. I don't mind when an adaptation does that. Also I loved that game. The first that I knew how the story would end but I played learn how we get to ending shows it was well made.


i think it is silly to get enraged over something you can't control. art and capitalism are not good bedfellows. there are many adaptations i disliked, some adaptions i preferred over the original source. and some adaptations are just as shitty as the source, so no loss either way other then my time. also cramming something you took hours/days to read into less then 2 hours film, something will always be lost. i think series based on novels do better.

Arttoa Level 5 Sep 20, 2018

I take film adaptations on their own merits. To me, it's just another version of the story.

that applies for me only so far...if they have not fleshed out the skin and bones of the character online via film to make it come up from the page and smack you in the face via 3d then wonder woman should not have been

Same except when they heavily imply that the adaption is related to the source material. Then you watch or read or play the adaptation and realize that it's tied to the source material simply to pull in fans of the source material. When the adaptation could have easily stood on it's own.


So I am a big believer in taking any piece or art/theater/film/book on its own merits. If it is based on a book I have found I enjoy them a lot more if the director creates a film true to the spirit of the book but not an attempt to copy the book word for word scene for scene. And most of all with their own sense of passion rather then with a obsession for accuracy. The same for remakes though I have a rather dim view of movies remaking other movies especially when they basically just copy the prior movie and in America at least dumb it down and/or white wash it for American consumption. I have seen many french films butchered in remake by American directors. Two that come to mind are La Femme Nikita (Point of No Return) and The Visitors. A purely American book to movie failure would be Eragon a completely soulless attempt to profit with little effort of a very well written fantasy epic. Peter Jacksons LOTR and Hobbitt movies too me were success because he made them with a passion for the source but not an obsession with impossible task of translation the book literally. So for me I do not compare so much as ask did I enjoy this piece of art. If it did then accuracy to its originating source is too me at least irrelevant.

Quarm Level 6 Sep 20, 2018

For me the best adaptation of a movie from book source was James Herbert.. haunted...the worst movie adaptations was the dark tower.....oh so bad ..actually not the interpretation of a Dean Koontz book made into film was the watchers the time after watching the movie was ok..when I got round to reading the novel...had to watch the movie again to see all aspects of what was missing from the novel was breathtaking ..ended up giving the film a 1 star on imdb and don't think has changed in the last 20 odd years

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