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What would be your RPG class and type?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Mar 11
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Star Wars Galaxies and well....
Main = Rebel Zabrack master Bounty Hunter / Master 2 Hand Sword

World Of Warcraft
Main = Alliance Human Warlock
Alt - Alliance Dwarf Hunter

paulson322 Level 5 Mar 31, 2018

If we go star wars I would be a grey jedi


Drow Fey'ri Shade Gestalt Warlock (PotB)/ Rogue (Assassin)


Ether human Mage ( or what ever magic user I can find) or elf assassin.


Currently playing a Dragon born druid .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 15, 2018

Human, warrior or barbarian, sometimes ranger. I like leading and bustin' some heads. I'm pretty big and strong in real life, but without the age of swords and shields and the like. I was born in the wrong era, to be sure.


I'm a front line mage with minor healing abilities, lol

AvvarElf Level 5 Mar 13, 2018

I'm chaotic good lol


My gameplay style varies by the game (Assassin in Elder Scrolls, Fighter in Fallout, and a Magic user in tabletops) but I think you are asking about what we think personally we would be. I would probably be either a Knowledge-focused Bard in D&D or an Investigator in Pathfinder, my alignment Chaotic Neutral, and might as well say Half-elf.

Nicsnort Level 6 Mar 13, 2018

I usually go for a well-rounded human stealth character. I like playing the thieves and assassins kind of character so someone that looks somewhat plain and has lots of basic skills in a lot of different things for undercover work. Usually, a sarcastic light-hearted character that will twist your words around, but come off as silly and a bit stupid at first. Deep down she is shameless and ruthless, but unpredictable. A chaotic neutral certainly.

RavenGreer Level 5 Mar 13, 2018

Oh, gaming. None. Just not me. Reality is interesting enough.
Objective, that is.


Rocket propelled grenade? idk. average, I guess.


I had a friend who was a skeptical mage. "Magic is just science we don't understand" "you literally threw a fireball you materialized out of nowhere" "and science will one day explain how I did that"

I'd like to see that. Video?

@DaveTravasos nope

@LadyAlyxandrea k


I rather like clerics, which is a little funny since I'm a hard atheist. Preferably a mage/cleric to Mystra since I've mostly gamed in the Forgotten Realms (home altered version).

velk Level 4 Mar 12, 2018

My class would be some sort of magic knight... or rather a mage, capable in swordplay too.
Every time (when possible) I seek to create/build up a balanced character, combining both sets of skills, even if I have to sacrifice some of the specialization boons.

blago84 Level 5 Mar 12, 2018

Easy. Ranger with a longbow, buckler and a hand axe. Not only my favorite D&D class, it is also what I use for Larping.

RandyMoose Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

Until recently, I played what turned out to be classed as a "tank". (Before the 2003/4, the class was simply known as "fighter" ). I was only interested in the story elements of RPGs. And playing as the most simple class completed the story without much thought.

Although alternative methods of play have been designed into games since forever, I started to appreciate these "other ways" only recently. E.g. maximising non-combat skills to counter combat weakneses.

SamKerry Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

I always play as an elven warrior class with a two handed battle axe. Occassionally I'll be a dual wielding rogue.

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