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Sharing my album from my hike of The Great Smokey Mountains. I did a point to point hike on the Appalachian Trail (AT) starting in the middle of The Great Smokey Mountains National Park and ending on the East side. I hiked roughly 33 miles in 3 days of hiking.


Great hike! Very challenging! Great vistas.... I want to go back and do the thru hike some day.

(Link works!)

marmot84 7 Aug 20
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Beautiful, I hope to hike it some day ?

OldHippie Level 5 Sep 3, 2018

Awesome pics! I have always wanted to do the Appalachian trail or a part of it. Thanks for sharing.


Beautiful. I like the mushroom pics. "Every mushroom is edible, but some only once."

thislife Level 7 Aug 20, 2018

Great photos! That looks like a wonderful way to spend your time.


Cool! Looks like home. Is that the Chimneys?

You like your mushrooms!

I was fascinated by the mushrooms. I was suprised at the varieties and I decided to start documenting them. I want to learn the mycology... new hobby!

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Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveI've never been a big wildflower person, but this is the season for it here in Appalachia. Other people can identify every variety. I'm not there yet.

Posted by CallMeDaveI've never been a big wildflower person, but this is the season for it here in Appalachia. Other people can identify every variety. I'm not there yet.

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Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

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