7 0

So how far from the coast is one allowed to be living to be a left coaster. In terms of just North South I live out to sea from SF but for me to drive to the sea along the only road I'm looking at 350 kms (250 miles). Hardly coast. Or are we considering only US states that border the coast. Does British Columbia count? Withe rest of Canada thinking that we are nutcases like most Americans seem to regard Californians, then likely we can be included. On the other hand those guys down South have no idea what winter is like. Alaskans do.

rogerbenham 8 Jan 11
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I'd say "Left Coast" is a state of mind, not a State of the nation.

prometheus Level 7 July 29, 2020

Three cheers for the almost atheist SF Bay Area! I love it.
Leaving Phoenix for SF in 1976 was like entering the 20th century.

yvilletom Level 8 Apr 18, 2020

west of the western-most mountain range...

Oh well that cuts me out. I've got the Coast Mountains between me and the sea.

@rogerbenham ...we have many expats, actual and honorary...

@seattlepanda I don't think my 3 years in Vancouver, BC, allows me to claim that I live West of the western-most mountain range. I have spent 40 years West of the Rockies but East of the Coast Mountains.


Are we all on the same time zone? BC and Alberta are on different time zones.


Canada is N. America....

That's close enough for me

Winter?! Isn't that long sleeve shirt season? You know, the season that follows Hawaiian shirt season?

moosepucky Level 7 Jan 11, 2020

If you are close enough to wonder, I would say count yourself in 🙂

thislife Level 7 Jan 11, 2020

High neighbor. DO you know of Point Roberts (Bob). One has to go to BC to get there even though it is US. Territory. Also, how about Vancouver Island? Left (West) coast is west coast and, for us, anything in the Pacific NW is included.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 11, 2020

Leaving a friend's home once I took a wrong turning and found myself at a Check Point Charlie at Point Roberts. I retreated as fast as I could. Sorry but your border guys freak me out.

@rogerbenham Funny, thing is a lot of Canadians use this checkpoint as it is an easy way to get cheap gas and some groceries (mainly dairy products). There is a Trader Joe's in Bellingham and on the weekends it is full of BC'ers.

@JackPedigo Yes I suppose I am aware of that. My daughter in Abbotsford crosses to buy stuff. People up here occasionally go up to Haida to buy clear alcohol. That border I have crossed. There was only a Canadian officer. I've crossed into Alaska years ago and that was easy. The Peace Arch is 1200 kms (800 miles) fro my home.

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