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My favorite idea site is doing a west coast road trip with NPR's All Things Considered. They want input.

I would suggest some places but it looks like they are avoiding much of the northern stretches of the west coast.

If you were to add something as a must see visit, where would that be?

I was thinking Mt. St. Helens, Astoria, Oregon, and certainly Olympic National Park.

Check out the link below and add in comments of something local that you might enjoy showing others here.


Akfishlady 8 May 16
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The Redwood Highway north of Garberville Northern California is unique. The highway winds through an ancient Redwood forest. Along the way is a tree so large a room has been cut on the inside. Parking is available in spots to get out and walk along a downed Redwood as though it were a path and inhale the revitalizing duff aroma. I always leave there refreshed.

H2OLove Level 4 May 16, 2018

Never had the pleasure but sounds like a moment of heaven.


Since NPR (National Public Radio) and CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) seem to have formed a coalition and are sharing content, why not keep going and explore Cathedral Grove and Ucluelet on Vancouver Island as well? So many wonderful places to visit along the Pacific Coast, I fondly remember the Sea Lion Caves in Oregon.

Surfpirate Level 9 May 16, 2018

I think that the northern trip would be much more interesting.

wordywalt Level 9 May 16, 2018

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