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Before I attempt to do something,I should probably ask

So I really liked antix ,but the cursor won't move .

I liked it cause of it's said to be a semi desktop environment,of icewm-rox filer with super low resources

So I got MX ,and trying to figure out what's going to happen if I install those two ,which one first????. Should I just have a fresh install of MX again to avoid configuration,I'm not sure what's going to happen...

Is it all just going to come together and I can just use my apps or is there going to be configuring to work on , I don't know how to do that.. guess could look into it but looks time consuming..

I just want less resources being used..

& I tried to figure out the cursor problem with antix didn't see any information..

laidback1 6 Nov 9
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I have been using (even now) Mx for about 18 months. I use the XFCE version no19.3 MX
I have had very few problems once i threw out the sutff zI did not want and downloaded hat I did want.
However, I found later versions of MX EG MX 21 to be crapus humongous, unwieldy, poorly configured and mostly unworkable.
I hape that helps. you can always personal message me if you get stuck.

Thank you , I really appreciate that , mx21 works decently usually for me ,now and then it can't find Network hardware

@laidback1 I had the same problems+ with 21 wildflower. I went to distrowatch and downloaded the earlier version.Have you found the desktop themes yet??There is a good choice in mx 21 but that file is well hidden and takes a lot of patience finding it.

@Kurtn I been able to tweak the desktop to my liking and found themes yeah ,using red pastel,that what you mean? Or you meant desktop version? There a light weight desktop MX 19.3 iso?


I think Antix official forum is the best place to find answer For the cursor issue

Diaco Level 7 Nov 9, 2022

I looked pretty hard for it ,seemed like it was a different problem than what I was having


Antix cursory had worked in virtual box ,can I somehow copy the iso ,MX(think antix has it too) tool that can to copy the iso of the current configuration and all installed apps to put it on another computer.. so when it's running in the virtual box & the cursor works ,maybe the cursor can work after the iso is copied from virtual box?

laidback1 Level 6 Nov 9, 2022

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