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I have just installed MX 23.ahs. the screen is a strange green that hurts the eyes. Any ideas on how to switch it to a more normal colour?

vocaloldfart 8 Aug 21
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I tried 3 different distros all with the same issue. I noticed that my laptop did not have the green screen. Therefore it had to be in the monitor.. I spent the next 6 hours downloading drivers, going on the linux forums and asking all of my contacts if they could help. Sitting in from of the machines very frustrated and angry,(at myself for my ignorance), a tiny button on the bottom of the monitor flashed.. A tiny white button I had never noticed before. out of curiosity I pressed the button. a graphic flashed up going from 0- to 100 very quickly. now my screen is back to normal , all colours no more issue.


What is MX23.ahs?

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 21, 2023


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