5 2

@admin of all the weird and mysterious bugs that I've ever seen one any website, on any platform, anywhere, the "t h I n" bug has got to be the weirdest.

Those of us in this group are by default a bit more technically savvy than the rest of the community and so I'm sure more than just me are really curious how the "t h I n" bug happens.

For those not familiar with the bug, if you type words with "t h I n" in them, those letters will be cut out. So "t h I n k" will just be "k" anyt h I n thing will just be anyg.

Say something!😋 That should say somet h I n g

ScienceBiker 8 May 3
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?????? The fat hacker strikes again.

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 29, 2018

I can't reproduce this bug. Any more details?


It also doesn't like thing od.

@ScienceBiker I use it frequently in thing odbotherers, zodbotherers does not have the same reality.

@ScienceBiker And I've just been told by someone else that their use of thing od does not result in censorship which implies that I am being targeted and discriminated against.

@ScienceBiker lol at 3.35 am. Thanks i needed that.

Interesting that on 30September all of @ScienceBiker's replies have been removed. The fat hacker has been at it again?


I guess my first question is if it's actually stripped out in the database.

bingst Level 8 May 3, 2018

@Admin, a standalone I appears to be another auto-capitlization. 😀

bingst Level 8 May 3, 2018
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