4 2

I started on Systems V r3 and 4, did Some Aix, AmigaUnix, NextOs, Dec Unix, YellowDog 1.0, Red Hat 5 using Afterstep, Solaris, HpUX, Red Hat As, RHEL 3, Fedora Core 3 6 12 16, RHEL 4 5 6 7, OaREL, SLEC, MacOS, lately using Cinnamon Mint. I probably left out a couple.. there were some weird ones in there (embedded systems).

JohnBeret 5 May 4
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I just stick to Arch and Manjaro, preferably the latter. With i3wm. I don't really care as long as it has a decent package manager & i3wm. Or any other VIM-like wm.

Integral Level 4 May 10, 2018

4 or 5 years ago I encountered AVLinux which I think in less than a gigabyte packed a lot of fire power into the suite.

The suite/OS was a delight on one of the early pocket book type computers that after several years of microsoft windows ran as fast as a wet weekend in Scunthorpe (and don't ask how she got in that place name) when the traffic lights broke down.
I never got round to testing the second version but that had increased to 4 Gb in size. ... still useful for putting on an usb stick.

I see from a quick check that AVLinux does not rate a mention in the top ten audio video suites at Softpedia- []

Perhaps sometime in the year I will have another look.


Don't dis the dog as it gave us yum.

JohnBeret Level 5 May 4, 2018

I'm not dissing, I'm lamenting all those hours lost enthusiastically wasting my time.

@CraeftSmith well it was old yellow after all. I still have a boot disk of 1.0.


Omg yellow dog... The wave of the future that lasted about eight months. (See me not making an old yeller joke? I feel like I have grown as a person)
So yeah, it turns out programming assembly on cell processors wasn't such a productive idea after all. By the time the code got finished, someone else wrote it for an x86, and finished the run.

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Posted by ScubaWagsThis made me giggle

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