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So how do you boot securely?
I currently boot off a custon iso on a thumb drive. The entire os resides in memory, about 4G on a 32G machine.
If the thumb drive isn't attached, the system boots a n embedded kernel with minimal access. All personal info is stored in an encrypted fs with an 8k key. For highly accessed files, I load them into a memstore.
Next step is to boot 3 vms, 1 firewall, 1 ice, and 1 system. All local traffic is encrypted. I am looking into a blackice install to attack any incoming threats based on the ice assesment.

JohnBeret 5 May 6
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Lol. Not having been on the computer for some years and never having progressed that far into Linux your brief post @JohnBeret identifies how much reading I need to do to understand your post in respect of ice.
I do not comprehend the need for local traffic encryption if you are on a stand alone computer or is all internet traffic sent by you considered local?

I worked in fintech and med tech. The most likely successful attack is internal so make it as hard as possible.

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