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I had a dream, would anyone be interested in helping me flesh it out into a full fledged story?

Ok, basic outline of the dream.

There was a world that used to swim in magic, it was considered as commonplace as air. No one thought much about it, until it dissappeared one day, all but a trickle. The fallout was grave. No one had ever lived without magic, they were virtually helpless, many died, crops withered, towns became isolated and the world turned very bleak. Over the following centuries magic became known as a curse. If you were hit with a random spurt of magic drifting through the air like invisible dandelion fluff, then you were trained on what limited and 'safe' spells could be performed to use it all up, and 'cure' yourself. This was mostly taught through fables and nursery rhymes. One day a hiker became lost in the mountains, separated from the group they had been traveling with. The hiker wasn't paying as much attention to their footing as they should have been. The hiker plunged into a steep, small, dark hole. No amount of climbing brought them further to the top. The top of the hole receded the more they climbed. In despair the hiker sat on the ground and started to cry. The hiker sat crying, wshing as hard as they could that they were safely at home, in bed. And jus like that the hiker woke up in bed, at home, still in their traveling clothes covered in dust and scratches.

Strange things kept happening to the hiker over the following week. Until one day they figured it out. The hole they fell down must be the source of the magic curse. Having been in the hole for so long they must now be soaked in magic. This had never happened before in their recorded history. She was the first to ever have such an abundance of the curse. She was scared witless. So many bad things happened when wild magic grabbed someone for a day. What would happen to her now that she was bursting with it?

The little she had learned as a child would never be enough to dispel such an inundation.
In the dream it was specified that the wild magic needed a human mind to effect change. Also, the well she had fallen down had been a great big opening to an underground cistern like thing of magic, like magic was lava. Over time, and rockslides and erosion, the opening had slowly filled until it was miniscule and would only occasionally send up tiny puffs of magic that resulted in the occasional bouts with the 'curse'.

Plot ideas? Or cut this one loose and move on to different idea? I'm half asleep right now so I'm unsure how coherent this is or how atrocious the spelling/typing is.

CommonHuman 7 June 18
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If you are serious about collaboration, you must create, have signed, and adhere to, NDAs.

That you have published your idea here will help bolster your future case against any movie maker using your idea, that is generally not a great way to get noticed by anyone in the industry.

JacarC Level 8 June 20, 2020

Have read something like it in a children’s book. In it the main protagonist was discovered by a person from a group that was sent out periodically into communities to discover such children, where she learnt how to use her powers and not be A danger to herself or others.
Could be people trying to discover these pockets and use them for for good or nefarious purposes? She and her family/ and or friends could become an order protecting the pockets; like the people said to be holding items like religious or political items throughout history.
She could make contact with a similar person in another village with the same secret, through some kind or trip or hardship...
I’m not a writer, so all the best, sounds like a good story premise.

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