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I was finishing up my latest novella in the celestial universe.

Something had started to nag at me. I had written my version of the Jesus origins story (which does not exactly square with The New Testament...) - Jesus gets into the preaching business with an angel called Andrea.

I like to give my characters their space to tell me their story. And I realised in my already crowded fictional universe, there is one character who deserves his own caper. Judas Iscariot. In my 'verse, he shopped Jesus to the SPQR because Jesus asked him to.

So Jude is now classically misunderstood and misrepresented.

I am now giving him his own space. I don't know him enough yet, but I already have a sense of him.

Writing is such a strange and wonderful thing.

Palindromeman 7 June 23
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Heh. I've always thought that about Judas. Basically brought into the story for one act only and it's the dirty job that needs done to further the story, a lot like Satan created just to be the bad guy.

Indeed. Given that my fictional Lucifer is misunderstood, Jude is the second most vilified character in The Good Book. He does not deserve that. As you say, one dastardly appearance and then he goes hangs himself. No, not in my not so Good Book.

I understand that God, Jesus are there to show that there is only one way to salvation, through the church. The devil was developed by Dante in about 1300, to give evil a place holder and to basically show that choice is bad, thinking for one's self is bad. Your supposed to follow the words of your leader and let them think for you.

@dalefvictor Indeed. In the words of Radiohead - Sit down, stand up

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