3 1

Please watch completely with your scientific minds then form analysis. Then tell me I am a fool for posting.

Etre 7 July 13
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Only be a fool if you were defending something without knowledge or ignoring that which did not agree with your viewpoint i think your posts are always interesting

weeman Level 7 July 19, 2018

Interesting video, no doubt about that; however, after ten minutes' Googling and reading up on the case, I'll reserve judgement until I find information from a source more reliable than the Daily Mail, The Sun, The Daily Star (for the benefit of non-Brits, these three newspapers are the kind you can't even use as toilet paper because you'd wipe more on than off), various UFO/alien/new age/woo websites and a Youtube channel that gives its parent website's URL as "".

My guess, incidentally, would be that Maria is human, was subjected to the head-binding that was relatively common among various ancient cultures and, as she looked rather alien because of that, was subjected to modification to make her look even more alien after her body was discovered by looters so that she could be sold on the black market - as mentioned in the video.

If I could be bothered, I'd look further into the academic record of the various experts named in the articles that Googling "maria alien peru" turns up. One of them, "Dr" Konstantin Korotkov, is the inventor of a camera which can photograph souls. Make of that what you will.

Jnei Level 8 July 13, 2018

Yes, I agree. There is nothing new about the practice of cranial deformation in ancient societies. I read a National Geographic article on it years ago. It typically was done to identify someone as a member of a royal family. And yes, they look like aliens right out of a SciFi movie.


Thanks Jnei! I just came acrossed this and was testing the waters. I do not form conclusion until I see the evidence. I researched nothing over this video.

really photograph the soul i hope his company went broke


You're brave to show this in the US. The US government has been so ruthless in suppressing any evidence of alien life, or reports, films, etc. and people who do report ridiculed so openly, I'm impressed you braved it.

Even here on this website, every time I've mentioned all my 100s of UFO sightings, a bunch of people will pop up and start ridiculing me, so I block them. Idiots.
Don't tell ME that atheists are highly intelligent.

birdingnut Level 8 July 13, 2018

I tend to follow Sumerian Cosmology, who state that humans were created by an advanced species of beings. The Universe is far to expansive to believe that we are the only form of intelligent life. And with that being stated; there exist many forms of evidence in several academic disiplines that question the accept chronology and advancement of earthly beings. Structures exist in antiquity that modern humans, with all of our genius, cannot reproduce on the scale our predessors acomplished. They computed geopysical alighnments, they measured procession, they used geodetics, higher base mathematics, the list goes on and on.

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