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"Globalization is a complicated issue. It is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons before drawing any conclusions."


Aivery 7 July 24
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The costs of our globalization privileges: []

Krish55 Level 8 July 26, 2018

@Renickulous Colonialism and imperialism disrupted economies in the Global South, causing hundreds of millions of deaths. Imperialist wars continue to kill millions while making life miserable for many more and while destroying the environment. At home, native Americans get their land polluted by oil, blacks in Flint get their water polluted, and fracking hurts rural whites. Apologists for capitalist-style globalization need to open their eyes beyond blind ideology and white middle-class privilege...

Krish55 Level 8 July 25, 2018

@Renickulous Capitalism is not a religion although many apologists for capitalism sound religious! It's not a matter of converting to something else. It's matter of drastically reforming capitalism so that it doesn't cause the problems that I discussed.


Globalization in the Congo: []

Krish55 Level 8 July 25, 2018

As a child of the 60’s and a huge fan of Gene Roddenberry, I share the vision of a one world government, or ’united Earth.’ Granted, it would seem to take an external threat to unite us, but having lived abroad and visited other continents, I am more aware of our similarities, as opposed to our differences. The world is becoming smaller, and its problems can no longer be firewalled.

Even the most vehement xenophobe must come to the realization that, in order to prevent what he/she fears—mass migration—the global community must come together to provide the means required to not only allow all to remain in their place of birth, supporting their family and local community, but to enable them to flourish. This is not a ‘relief effort’ or ‘humanitarian aid’ but a path toward economic independence. There are models of success upon which to build, and we are wasting valuable lives and time waiting for spontaneity.

Globalization is not the bogeyman; on the contrary, it is isolationism.


Take the good , throw out the bad !
If globalization means anti- diversity then !
If it means global awareness and human rights then yes ...but I think that anyone who thinks there can be any progress while being led by ' the powers that be at this time ' then I think that they are completely off their rocker !


Like it or not globalization is inevitable due to the rapid spread of technology which is creating global competition in every sector of the economy. We can decide to either lead, follow, or crawl back into our caves. IMO we need to manage this complicated situation to ensure continued prosperity.

kensmile4u Level 8 July 24, 2018

Prosperity for whom?


Nothing is wrong with globalization in general. The problem is the nature of capitalist globalization.

Krish55 Level 8 July 24, 2018

@Renickulous This growth only benefited some at the cost of slavery, colonization, and imperialism. There are many who suffer for the benefits we reap. Some forget about them because the victims are brown, black, and Asian...Another form of white privilege...

@Renickulous One example, Honduras: We support a repressive gov't that that came to power illegitimately. The repression then causes migration. We then put the refugees in prisons to enrich the private companies running the prisons. Capitalism at work...

@Renickulous No alternative system! Reform capitalism so it can't cause these problems.


Everything in life is complicated. Central issue is there are winners and there are losers. The winners benefit at great expense to the losers. And in the process the winners are destroying the world… and traditional cultures!

Krish55 Level 8 July 24, 2018
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