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Archaeologists and curators leaving UK over Brexit fears

Visa uncertainty and expected loss of EU funding affecting culture industry, leaders say


Aivery 7 Sep 23
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Brexit is just a ridiculous tragedy


So much of archaeological research has so often depended upon soft monies. Writing grants, seeking sponsorship has always been the bane of archaeologists. With the exception of large world class excavations that garner lots of public attention and exposure finding adequate funding is constantly a challenge. So its no surprise that UK archaeologists are worried. Tenuous funding made even more unsure is not a formula for success. I can u derstand why they are nervous and sizing up their options.

t1nick Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Let's not blame the uneducated working class. Neoliberal capitalism failed them in America and in Europe. So they turned to Trump, Brexit, and nationalism for relief. False hope, but the liberal parties like the Democrats and Labor failed them. When liberals get behind candidates like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, this right wing nationalism will fade.

Krish55 Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Very sad! This is why scientists have to get political! The EU failed the working class in Europe and that is why the latter are turning nationalistic and racist. Scientists have the authority to speak out for economic and political integration that benefits everyone. It's the best way to safeguard interests of science itself in the long run.

Krish55 Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Island mentality and a bunch of old people who want to turn back the clock to a time in history when Britain ruled the waves so Britain waived the rules.

Surfpirate Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

Well, this is just great. Idiots thinking that they were too good for the EU.


I really don't understand Brexit .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

I don't either, but I think the UK is realizing how much it needs the European Union.

@Captain747ex hah you would think so but much like trump there is a group that even though they can see the negative effects already and what is on the horizon are still trying to tell us it will be fine. Next will come another vote for Scotlands independence which will probably win and then fuck knows what

@weeman True, nothing like doubling down on a losing hand.

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