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Iron Age Chariot Burial Site Found – Complete with Horse and Rider


Aivery 7 Oct 11
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Incredibly fortunate find! So cool!

Horses must have been very very important to them. You can tell by the craftsmanship of the bridal.

Umbral Level 8 Oct 11, 2018

A Roman horse burial was discovered near where I live a couple of years ago. No human nor grave goods, but the horse had suffered a broken leg which had healed, which was interesting: I imagine that in those times, when most horses were used simply as machines for transportation, a lame horse would be killed and butchered rather than being permitted time to recover - which suggests that one was loved, perhaps a pet.

(Roman Britain is not my speciality; so if anyone knows whether or not such a burial is unusual please do take the time to correct me on this!)

Jnei Level 8 Oct 11, 2018

4 wheels ? Thought their chariots only had 2 wheels then .

Cast1es Level 9 Oct 11, 2018

@Aivery From their positions in the photo , I think it looks more as if there were two in front and two behind those .


More data please, who what where when, etc


Fascinating find. Thanks for sharing.

t1nick Level 8 Oct 11, 2018
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