10 6

Thought I might show you something from my stone pickings in my fields, I know what it is, do you?

HeathenFarmer 8 Mar 8
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My guess its a lunar calendar. Mapping moon phases and alignment with certain stars.

MrLink Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

So do I reveal or do you want to continue to play?

Well this is my second visit and I came back to see if there is an answer yet. Will try one more time.


a fertility bowl with a symbol of a penis looking to unite with a vagina????

LOL, get your mind off sex for a moment, not all archeology involves sex.

Your are right that those are symbols just not the ones you guessed.


A partial skull that took some serious blows in battle or a rock


I'm gonna guess it's a rock?

Ha, ha and ha, you are correct but culturally it is a lot more.

@HeathenFarmer culturally? hmmmm ... is it a sedimentary rock formed from all the canadians screaming obscenities and ill-will into a large bag then tamping it down ... thus relieving them of all negative feelings?

@JeffMesser LOL


WAG: stone used as a hammer to pound water pipe into the ground (perhaps as fence posts).

OCJoe Level 6 Mar 8, 2019

The rough breaks in the stone are likely field cultivation equipment strikes. When this artifact was made the cobble would have been smooth and round.


Not enough info. Could use views from other angles and bottom.

t1nick Level 8 Mar 8, 2019

The bottom is flat and everything you need to identify it is plainly visible.

@HeathenFarmer unfortunately not true. It looks like it could be a hammerstone used for chipping flakes off a core to make a projectile point. Cannot tell material, looks like a quartzite or a light colored chert of some kind. A scale would be helpful to determine dimensions. Do you know the geology of the area?

@t1nick You are wrong it has been examined by people far more qualified than I at both the U of C and U of A. The material is quartzite most likely transported from the Bow River basin, dimensions are 14 cm by 12 cm with a height of about 8 cm. Like you when I found I too thought it to be just a core. It was ex's sister , a doctorate in Plains archeology who first pointed out my mistake.

@HeathenFarmer I used to be an archaeologist, trained and educated at the U of A. I do know what I am wrong about. You asked for opinions, and based on what I see from your pic, I offered up my opinion. I was right about the material, again offered up an opinion of what its function could be. I never once said what it was beyond a shadow of a doubt, just a possibility. I have studied many lithics and I am not wrong in wanting to see more information before making a more informed guess.

@t1nick It was not my intension to arrive you, I realize you were expressing an opinion, I was just looking for a reference to message you as to its function I had it in Paper but I am having some trouble finding it on line.

@HeathenFarmer okay


Looks like a skull .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 8, 2019

Give you a hint, too. Those marks are made deliberately.


Hide scraper or grinding stone

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 8, 2019

Give you a hint what does the mark a little to the right of the centre look like?


I know what I think you want us to guess, but my vote would go to flint.

Fernapple Level 9 Mar 8, 2019

The stone is quartzite that fact is only important in light of the fact that all of these found are made of quartzite cobble.

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