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A brilliant, articulate and important introduction by veteran film maker Sir David Attenborough...speaking at the premier for "Our Planet"....

Robecology 9 Apr 10
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Human population and consumption are clearly the problem and too few are listening or even care so we will be the next to go extinct and we have no one to blame but ourselves. His series are amazing and take a huge amount of work to produce. The big problem is that the more we decimate the planet the less it has real meaning and beauty for us.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 10, 2019

I liked your comment...and feel a sad empathy that you're I didn't know whether to check the "like" emoji or the "sad" emoji...but thanks for your thoughts.

@Robecology I often have the same problem.

I know I sound like a gloom and doom person but I have been banging my head against this wall for 25+ years and it only seems to get worse. My late partner and I worked out a statement that answered the doom and gloom or smile and denial rhetoric and came up with know and grow. Still, knowing paints a poor picture.

@JackPedigo I've participated in two community projects that might interest you.

#1. Solar Libre- a family trying to subsidize N.W. Puerto Rico with over 5000 free or low cost Solar panels. Contact Tom Meyer - whose phone # is inside the video, here...

#2.Condoms for Haiti; A nation suffering in many ways...the solution being simple family planning. Mail any unused condoms (even date expired ones) to Michelle LaDue at



And if you have an afinity for this, then after the commercial you get to hear another compelling speech by the Honorary head of the WWF, UK, Prince Charles.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 10, 2019

Awesome speaker

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 10, 2019

His animal adventures are splendid .

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 10, 2019

David Attenborough...born now 92. He's still so articulate, and brilliant.


Robecology Level 9 Apr 10, 2019
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