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I wonder about the Igboukwu people of Nigeria. Historically they seem to be more intelligent than the other groups around them. Their metallurgical skills were centuries ahead of their so-called "peers". I know that there were different hominids on the African continent at the same time vying for dominance. I am curious as to the mDNA of the Igboukwu compared to those other groups. Might there be a genetic sequence there that enables an intellectual advantage much like the NOTCH2NL variances found in homo heidelbergensis mDNA that allowed for more stem cells to develop into neurons within the cerebral cortex?

Spoke with some anthropology students today and they were all excited about conjecture over superarchaic DNA potentially present in people on the northern China coastline. They noted a large percentage of gigantism within some of the communities and lore extending back centuries about giants and serpent people. These are some of the same paths of inquiry being explored by the geneticists at the Smithsonian as they deal with chinese doctors in comparing mDNA samples from ancient chinese burial sites. The homo erectus-populated chinese shores potentially contained pre-heidelbergensis mDNA which means fewer variables from the original gene sequences that are currently present in human DNA. fascinating stuff.


JeffMesser 8 May 10
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I've been seeing photos of some extradorinarly tall Chinese on facebook lately . A DNA sequence would explain that .

Cast1es Level 9 May 10, 2019

the first homo erectus "bloom" that possibly populated early china branched off from the other hominids prior to homo heidelbergensis. that would be the first sprout from the branch in the picture below. the interbreeding between erectus and denisovan (and subsequent with neandertal as seen in the denisovan cave) easily shows a potential for significantly archaic gene sequences. thus you could have mDNA sequences from like 32 generations earlier which means millions of fewer possibilities for mutation compared to the original code. I speculate the old chinese myths of dragon people and the like may stem from actual people who had some significantly different features from the so-called norm.



bobwjr Level 10 May 10, 2019

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