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The Ancient Pots That Hint at Cannabis’s Early Use as a Drug

MojoDave 9 July 7
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Where do people think most drugs originnaly come from? The foundation for most of the basic pharmacoepia that we have used until recently, were synthesized versions of cultural botanical remedies. For instance, aspirin was synthesized from a Native herbal combination of local botanicals used as a pain killer in Native communities.

t1nick Level 8 July 7, 2019

If I remember it correctly , Asprin is made from the inner bark of the white willow tree , and was developed by the army during WWI .

@Cast1es I believe is birch bark and was a Native American cure long before WWI. They just chemically synthesized it during WWI.

@t1nick it's weeping willow tree was used by many cultures world wide..

@Charlene ok

@Cast1es actually was developed by German chemist Bayer in 1890s salicyate from willow bark was first used by ancient Greeks combine with acetic acid( vinegar) you get aspirin

Native Americans used in the Great Lakes area goung back to practically prehistoric times.

@t1nick birch bark for a form of root beer

@bobwjr birch beer, yummy!

Willow bark was used as an analgesic and relaxant way back in ancients in Rome, Egypt and many cultures long before medicine falsely claimed to have 'discovered' its properties.


Aspirin – indigenous Americans have been using willow tree bark for thousands of years to reduce fever and pain as were the peoples of Assyria, Sumer, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. When chemists analyzed willows in the last century, they discovered salicylic acid; the basis of the modern drug aspirin.


@t1nick Yes, as Registered Nurse for many years I'm fully aware of the history of 'Aspirin'.

This was aimed so much at you, as just sharing in the thread

@t1nick In Ancient Rome, " willow bark tea," an infusion of willow bark in water btw, was used regularly as a remedy for ailments such as period cramps, tooth ache, headaches and to relieve hang-overs among numerous other things.

@Triphid cool

@t1nick Plus, and as an adjunct, recent historical findings in Ancient Egyptian records have shown that Hippocrates was NOT the 'Father' of Modern Medicine, it was actually an Egyptian known as Imhotep ( not to be confused with the Imhotep bullshit one from the Mummy Movies btw).

Interesting do you know which dynasty? By the by I liked the mummy movie. A brainless romp, but fun.

@t1nick Yes, the REAL Imhotep was the Designer of the Step Pyramid and the Advisor, Trusted and Great Friend to King Djoser ( not Pharaoh as everyone claims btw, since the word Pharaoh actually refers to the 'Great House' or Palace and not the Ruling monarch), a Revered and Respected Healer and actual Doctor and Inventor of such things as being able to fill cavities in teeth, set and heal fractured bones plus he wrote innumerable manuscripts, etc, on his techniques that the Greeks later copied.

Thanks for the explantion. I appreciate the info. Imhotep preceeded Galen I believe by many Centuries. I wonder if Galen had access to the discoveries made by Imhotep?

@t1nick According to finds in Egypt, Imhotep was almost worshipped by not only the Egyptians but peoples from numerous countries around eastern and central Mediterranean region as a 'God,' as well as being highly praised by Djoser himself.
There have been countless finds of votive 'offerings' to him found in numerous temple sites including the Karnak Temple Complex left by those who were seeking his treatments even long after his death.
It is firmly believed by a number of Egyptologists that his tomb is somewhere very close to, if not actually within, the tomb of Djoser itself and the last I heard from Zahii Hawass was that he is still trying to assemble another dig expedition to find both the remains of Djoser and those of Imhotep but the stability of Djoser's Pyramid is still somewhat too dangerous for further digging within and around it at present.

Cool info


Why not it works unlike shit from big pharma

bobwjr Level 10 July 7, 2019

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