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fascinating! []

Allamanda 8 Nov 6
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It must be hard to throw off the influence of Bishop Ussher. I like listening to Graham Hancock talk about civilisations that go way back further than 4004 BC. In James DeMeo's book Saharasia, he gives evidence for a great desertification that destroyed civilisations that thrived before 4000 BC.

brentan Level 8 Nov 7, 2019

The way I understand it is that the end of the glacial age brought about floods from the north, from America to Russia, forcing people southward. Remaining glaciers added cool air to winds flowing south, allowing land to stay fertile as far south as Africa. As the glaciers melted over time, the cooling factor diminished to the point where the land became arid. DeMeo claims there was a general peacefulness in the matriarchal societies that thrived up that point. When the land became cruel to the people, the men took over and responded accordingly, creating oppressive practices that continued to our day, and still do in the lands where it all started.


FFS, when are these historians going to get over and discard the religion based ideologies that Human Agriculture ONLY ever evolved in their 'vaunted Levant region' and NOWHERE else?
Anyone with half a brain and a bit of sense could tell them that in remote and ancient times the Nile Valley, Egypt, Libya, etc, were NOT deserts as they are today, they were much more like the African savannas and ,possibly even had copses of trees spread around and through them as well.
Archaeology has shown clearly that the Ancient Egyptians were farming and harvesting crops in the Nile Valley regions from as early as approx. 3,500 B.C.E. or earlier so it it is LOGICAL that so where those in the Moroccan-Libya and further west regions as well and NOT just the people living in this Levant.
Wake up Oh knowledgable ones, stop believing in the bible mythologies for a change and see what REALLY DID happen in the past, the REAL past that is.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 6, 2019

@Allamanda Yes, maybe I was being a wee bit harsh there BUT there are still some who seem to adhere to the ' Levant Theory' though.

Agricultural evolved independently in Mexico and Petu. Also in southern China.

@t1nick Yes indeed it did BUT it seems that ever so many of these Historians have conveniently managed to forget about that.



bobwjr Level 10 Nov 6, 2019

Yes, interesting.

EdEarl Level 8 Nov 6, 2019
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