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Does anybody else think this could possibly be an artefact, or is it just a rock? Found in Toowoomba, Australia. It looks a bit like it might have been flaked, and sits nicely in the hand as a small cutting or scraping implement.

Faithless1 7 May 18
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You've got a great opportunity here if you are one of the ag/ath's who enjoy debating with the intelligent design crowd on Facebook: ask if your sample was intelligently designed or not, and have them walk you through the steps. You can have weeks of fun with this. Remember, the "hallmark" of intelligent design is that objects can be determined to be designed or not. I have a smooth, oval rock found in the surf on Cape Cod which looks, maybe, like someone worked an image of an animal on each side. I know that there is a corner of the art world in which people collect these surf rocks and paint them. I also know that the images don't clearly depict what i think they look like. This was one of three items I challenged an ID group to analyze. These folks had access to major christian apologetics and Discovery Institute resources, and no one could even propose an opinion; the general consensus was that these items "didn't qualify as being subject to design/no design testing" since they contained only "Shannon information." The other two items were Hexagon Pool in northern Israel (an analysis for that would mung any attempt at a design/no design algorithm) and Doggie Football, an artifact of urban dog parks.

andygee Level 7 May 18, 2018

Yeah, it's an Aboriginal cutting tool. Lots of them around here in the middens along the Ninety Mile beach (East Gippsland). The form and type of rock is a dead give away. None of this stone is local. Was traded from elsewhere.

Dooley Level 5 May 18, 2018

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