Anthropology and Archaeology

Group for anyone interested in anthropology. Ask questions, share anthropology related news or photos.

If you are an ancient astronaut theorist or believe in some kid of conspiracy theory, this is not the place for you. While we encourage discussion about cultures and .. Read more

Group for anyone interested in anthropology. Ask questions, share anthropology related news or photos.

If you are an ancient astronaut theorist or believe in some kid of conspiracy theory, this is not the place for you. While we encourage discussion about cultures and .. Read more

Posts Tagged "genetic" By Druvius (54) Posts by members only

Anthropology and Archaeology
May 10, 2019May 2019

Posted by JeffMesser
I wonder about the Igboukwu people of Nigeria. Historically they seem to be more intelligent than the other groups around them. Their metallurgical skills were centuries ahead of their so-called "peers". I know that there were different hominids on ...
Shared from Academic (e.g., Science)
Aug 22, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Aivery
Mum’s a Neanderthal, Dad’s a Denisovan: First discovery of an ancient-human hybrid 22 AUGUST 2018 "Given the patterns of genetic variation in ancient and modern humans, scientists already knew that Denisovans and Neanderthals must have bred...
Anthropology and Archaeology
May 20, 2018May 2018

Posted by andygee
Although wolves and dogs have virtually the same genetic makeup, there are some observable difference, mainly involving neotony. Does anyone know if the descendants of the PEOPLE who were around and participating have any genetic differences from ...

Photos 169 More

Posted by PiratefishSeasons greetings, you heathens.

Posted by SurfpirateA photographic collection of pagan costumes associated with the winter solstice. []

Posted by MoonTigerIIAncient Evenings Fun!

Posted by AnonySchmoose[cell.

Posted by AnonySchmoose[cell.

Posted by AnonySchmoose[cell.

Posted by EyesThatSmileThis sculptor is amazing. []

Posted by DruviusWell preserved 500 year old ship found at bottom of Baltic Sea. Way cool find, hope we have the means to properly investigate it. []

Posted by qpr81there's a small island in front of the temple site and they found artifacts even there.

Posted by qpr81there's a small island in front of the temple site and they found artifacts even there.

Posted by qpr81there's a small island in front of the temple site and they found artifacts even there.

Posted by qpr81the hole in this image -according to the guide- was a window to let the sun rays hit a certain spot announcing the summer/winter etc.

Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

Posted by qpr81Trajan's column in Rome. Shame they put a pope on top of it. Even though this is a monument raised over a genocide it's still something worth seeing.

Posted by qpr81Ħaġar Qim temple in Malta. Stunning even if a bit of walk...

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