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Greetings, ya filthy heathens!

A little bit about me: I moved to the Bay Area (with my canine son) in 2014. Born and raised in the Philippines, I have some stereotypically Filipino traits (e.g., friendly, warm, affectionate, love kids and karaoke), my upbringing was pretty non-traditional and I never really fit in over there (atheist, vegetarian, liberal, non-conformist, doesn't play the guitar, not into basketball nor Pacquiao, etc.). The San Francisco Bay Area is definitely my jam.

If you know Filipinos, you know they're friendly af. Gaining friends here has been tricky. I have a pretty broad extrovert streak (ENFP, generally), so I at times crave human interaction. The friends that I've made here so far, however, are quite lovely. I've been lucky. I hope this site helps me find more of my people.

Okay, your turn!

misternatureboy 7 June 1
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I lived in the South Bay from 99 to 017, made friends from all over, met with and volunteered for ACSJ. Daly City is the karaoke capital of Calif. Lol. SF bay area is a happy but expensive place. That's why I'm here in Houston now trying to be even more happier! ??


It takes awhile to make friends in the Bay Area. Hang in there.

If you like karaoke and you live near Burlingame, there's a Philippino guy named Gus who runs a karaoke show at Behans Irish Pub every Sunday evening. He calls his karaoke show Center Stage Live. Tell him you know Tim from up in Denver and you'll be golden.

Also, keep in mind that you do still have Jolibee. So there's that.

webbew1 Level 7 June 1, 2018

Much obliged, (I'm assuming you're) Tim. There's not much love lost between this Filipino vegetarian (holy oxymoron, Batman!) and Jolibee, but I can't shake off my fondness for karaoke. ?

When you say it takes time to make friends in the Bay Area, are you speaking from experience? If so, could you elaborate, s'il vous please?


I lived in the Bay Area for three years. The first year was a bit rough when it came to getting to know people.

Folks in the Bay Area can be a bit stand offish until you've been around for awhile because few people actually stick around for long. Most find that they can't afford the high cost of living so they leave. Why bother getting to know someone if they're only going to cut and run just when you get close to them?

Head on over to Behans this Sunday and get up there and do some karaoke. Keep on going every Sunday and make yourself a fixture around the place.

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Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

Posted by MarkWDHere are some photos from around the bay for anyone who has moved away and may get home sick.

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