Hopefully one doesn't have to be Canadian to join this group, do they? To be honest, I'd really like to move to Canada.
We Canadians will take anyone because after one generation even the kids tropical immigrants are playing hockey, drinking beer, saying eh and eating maple syrup on their poutine.
Welcome. (and No I don't know your cousin Dave in Calgary).
Thank you. You don't know my cousin Dave? Everyone knows him. He's the guy that wears clothes. You know who I'm talking about. Walks upright. The guy with the face. Just kidding. I don't have a cousin in Calgary. As far as I know. Lol
@Captain747ex I know you got teased on this post. As for my comment, it's a question that many Canadian relates to i.e. an American asking if we know such and such that live 621 miles (1000 km) away thinking every Canadian knows every other Canadian. Again welcome!
@Lukian I know what your saying. I was only joking along. I don't get why people think each Canadian knows everyone else. It doesn't make sense to me. Thanks for being so welcoming.
We welcome you. We promise not to put you in a cage and desperate you from family like some countries do..
@Tommy19 Thank you, I appreciate that. Not a policy I would have thought up let alone implement. I have no idea how these people can sleep at night knowing what they have done. Yeah, nothing I'm proud of. What an embarrassment.
I'm thinking about starting a new Group called 'Americans who wish they were Canadian' , I think it could be really popular. Americans could share their interesting stories about the metric system and how nice it is up here what with all the free health care and the lack of slums. They could also express shock at discovering that Canadians have a lot of guns and know how to use them too, as a tool and not just as something to hang off your hip as a fashion accessory.
@Silverwhisper While there are a few Americans who think it would be as easy as just packing their bags and showing up on Canada's doorstep, sort of like moving to Hawaii or Peurto Rico, it is a bit more complicated than that. Not as complicated as it is for a Canadian to immigrate to the US but still complicated as we Canadians well know. I still think there should be a practical skills test for all new immigrants involving drinking beer while following an NHL game without the smart puck to help them.
If you do start a group like that, let me know. I'd definitely join.
@Silverwhisper For me, this really didn't have anything to do with trump. At least not at first. I've wanting to relocate to Canada for a while now. I know it won't be like packing up and just cross the border. I wouldn't expect that. I have always enjoyed going to Canada, I visited a lot prior to the September 11th attacks. Then it became more difficult to cross the border.
@Silverwhisper, @Surfpirate Well, if I had to drink beer while watching the Puck at an NHL game, I'd fail the drinking beer part. It's not my choice of alcoholic beverage. I can keep track of the Puck with out that horrendous smart Puck. Worst thing ever.
@Silverwhisper Just move to the Upper Peninsula and you'll basically be a Canadian without having to go through all those immigration hoops.
@Captain747ex Everyone should have a passport to my way of thinking but I have done a lot of travelling over the years. Getting to Canada should be pretty easy, it's getting back that can be a hassle, US Customs can be a real challenge, even when you are super polite and have nothing to hide or declare.
@Surfpirate I'll keep that one in mind. Lol
@Surfpirate, @Silverwhisper Coffee isn't too bad and white wine is pretty good too. Your recipe for bread pudding sounds pretty good too.
We accept Americans.
Even though so many of you don't know anything about our country.
That may be true, but I'm willing to learn. I'll admit that I don't know a lot but I do know a few things. Like Canada has a prime minister and provinces and a few territories. There's parliament too. I'm willing to learn anything I'm probably missing.
Canadians can tell you everything about American politics; presidents, politicians, parties and how your elections work.
We know all 50 states and could probably recite them alphabetically. A lot of us have visited there MANY times, able to cite the differences that exist among the different cities or regions.
We know what grows there, where our imports come from and where ours go.
When asked about American history, stats show that we can answer more questions correctly than Americans.
Example: When American millennials were asked, "Who won the civil war?" The response was "I don't know" or "We did."
When Canadian millennials were asked the same question, they replied "The North." *Ding!
Okay, now you go.
@Athena That we do, & then some.
@Athena I will agree Americans are rather self centered to the point of willful ignorance. I may not fully understand the parliamentary system of government or know all your political parties. I do know that Justin Trudeau is the son of former prime Minister Pierre Trudeau who, if I'm not mistaken, has at least one airport named after him. Canada has a long and proud history going back to at least the 1700s with colonization by the French and the British Beginning with the French fur traders. Quebec is still very French than the rest of Canada and is a reason why Canada has two official languages, French and English. Canada changed hands between the French and the British several times over its history and successfully repelled two invasions by the United States, once while the US was still a British colony during the, I want to say, the French-Indian War, being apart of a conflict between the British and the French. The other time was during the war of 1812 which was the catalyst for the burning of Washington DC by the British in retaliation for our invasion.
As for provinces, there are, I could be wrong, but 5 provinces and 2 territories. I'm not sure if Labrador and Newfoundland are together or not or if I'm just missing one. Well, I was way off. I'll admit I cheated, because you're right, Americans don't know much about anything beyond our borders. There are ten provinces and three territories. But I kind of got Labrador and newfoundland right.
I will admit that I don't know as much about Canada as you know about the US. I will have to do some learning. However, it is sad that not even American citizens know much about their own country. That is very sad indeed. That's why I'd rather be a part of a country that uses its tax dollars for the benefit of they many instead of the few and the military.
I may not know the most about Canada but I do know some things and will admit that I need to learn more. Thank you for pointing this out. I will educate myself on this topic.
@Athena and most Americans are shocked when told that a group of soldiers came down from Canada and set fire to their White House. Granted they were British soldiers (pre confederation)
@Athena One thing I forgot to mention. While Canada has its own sovereignty, Canada is still apart of the British Commonwealth. That's why Queen Elizabeth II is the Canadian head of state while the Prime Minister is the head of government.
You're a great sport with all the teasing.
I'd met a guy in South Beach, a few years ago, who invited a friend and me to his home town of Indiana. When I gave him my phone number he looked astonished and said,
"Ya" mean (insert accent) you folks have an area code 'n phone number jist lack we do?"
Yes. Yes we do.
We use these numbers to call the mounties, who help us out of our homes, which are permanently barricaded with snow and moose.
@Athena Thanks, I try. I can handle teasing. Thank you for being so accepting.
We Canadians are a welcoming lot. ?
That's good. I like Canada. I went to Toronto once and would really like to go again, hopefully for longer than a week. I had a great time.
@Captain747ex Yes Toronto is like that, very multi-cultural with people from all over the world living there you would almost think it was a world unto itself, many Torontonians definitely think so.
I love Toronto too. That's why I live here.
@Athena It is such a great city. I want to live in a norther Toronto suburb if I am ever able to relocate. I figure that with an Aviation background I could either work at the airport, one of the airlines, or one of the several charter/corporate aircraft operators in the area. Converting to metric would be a small hurdle at first.
Metric would be an easy transition.
No one here says they're 1.75 metres tall. It's always feet and inches. Measuring tapes are printed with centimetres and inches; feet and metres.
Driving, you'd only need to remember a few speed conversions, but speedometers tell you how fast you're going...
And even at the supermarket, things are displayed in pounds and grams. We don't say, we made a 4 kg turkey for Thanksgiving. It's always in pounds.
Fyi, most of us don't speak French! Only in a few provinces and that's still a smaller percentage than you'd think.
What you'd find the most different is our money. Looks like monopoly money with all the colours. And we have coins for 1 and 2 dollars.
@Athena Not too bad then. For the driving, my car can register in MPH or KPH. I thought that was pretty interesting.
I do like your currency. It is more colorful. I still have some 1 and 2 coins from when I went to Toronto. I am kind of glad that learning French would not be as crucial, bit I am open to learning a new language.
I really do appreciate all the insight that you, and everyone else, have given me.
Posted by bookofmoronsFeel free to share
Posted by bookofmoronsThat explains it
Posted by godfree2Carney vs PP resumes
Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico
Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.
Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!
Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years
Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon
Posted by 1patriot[thegatewaypundit.com] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)
Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.