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A great Canadian comic, John Candy.

Surfpirate 9 Nov 3
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I almost left out the best part, Uncle Buck said the things that most of us never have the courage to say but we really want to. I've said a few things like that in my time and they sure cost me a lot but it was always worth it. 😀


It was great to see John Candy carry his own movie. He did not achieve the fame of other comedians like Dan Ackroyd but John Candy was an outstanding comedic actor who could do the physical comedy as well as a more verbal style. It feels like I matured along with John Candy having followed his career in the early 70s at the old Firehall in Toronto where he worked with the likes of Dan Ackroyd, Gilda Radner, Catherine O'Hara, Andrea Martin, Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Eugene Levy, Martin Short and many others, to the TV Series Second City TV to his movie career. He was very versitile and like I said excelled in both physical and verbal comedy. He had a wonderfully sensitive side that came out in his movies and when he passed away there was a vaccuum left that may never be filled.

Simmer51 Level 6 Nov 3, 2018

Candy was and still is light years ahead of Ackroyd. Just my opinion. 🙂

@Davekp I agree because Ackroyd was no where near as strong on the physical aspect of his comedy. He could never carry off a scene like that with out saying a word. You probably have to go back to Chaplin or Keaton to really see someone as accomplished.

@Simmer51 "Trains, Planes and Automobiles" has many moments of that physicality. Steve Martin headlined that flick but John owned a large part of the emotional impact simply by just being. Even though that movie has been all but been relegated to a B grade status it says as much about the American archetype of the traveling salesman as Willy Loman .does in the theatrical sense. And that is thanks to John Candy.


Good actor.


Great comedian, Uncle Buck was a great movie.

1ROBROY2 Level 7 Nov 3, 2018
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