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Who else thinks it's time for a new group called American refugees fleeing to Canada? A friendly place where Americans can discuss their dreams of living in the True North Strong and Free.

Surfpirate 9 Nov 8
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Yeah, we had two car bomb explosions in a parkade at a community center and library not too far from my place a couple of nights ago. And last year someone ran over pedestrians with a cube van in the city after a hockey game. We are not all that friendly and tolerant after all.

graceylou Level 8 Nov 8, 2018

I heard about that, some young guy blew up in his car and then a second explosion but I haven't heard anything about the motive. There was the same sort of insanity in Toronto with that young guy driving down Yonge St. on the sidewalk, mowing down pedestrians.
At least these are major news events because of there rarity but we really don't need to import more of this sort of thing from the nation that has more mass shootings than any other. If people want to come to Canada and become citizens then they can leave their guns at home and their attitudes towards gun violence as well.

Just to clarify (I live in the community where this happened): the car did NOT blow up, though there were explosives on board and there was only one car. It appears that the suspect was "hoist with his own pétard" as Shakespeare put it, or, "scored an own goal" as they used to say during the Irish "troubles". There is no information available as to motive, though the RCMP are not seeking other suspects.

@Arouet I did not say the car exploded or if there were two cars. They said there were two explosions not specifically how they exploded. They said that the type of explosives could have been meant to be used for a car bomb. I don’t think we would really know the motive. I go to Festival Place a lot to see shows. I have performed there as well. I understand Festival Place was evacuated and a couple of shows were canceled for safety and to allow investigation. I could have been in the area at some point in time. One person can cause a lot of damage even with just a car or even a knife.

@Arouet So a solo candidate for the Darwin Awards then.

@Surfpirate He’s dead so the award would have to be posthumous.

@graceylou More on the FP incident. There were no explosives on board the perp's car . A device was detonated under or near a parked vehicle. The explosion started a fire that eventually caused a fuel tank on another vehicle to explode - the second explosion. The alleged perp killed himself with one of five firearms found in his car.

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