8 4

Do Canadians actually say 'Eh'.Welp, those who are fans and followers of Doug and Bob Mckenzie probably do, also there is a percentage who get caught up in the residue of the show who probably say 'eh,' but not as much. Then there are those deaf Canadians who say 'Eh' when they want you to repeat what you said and the friends of deaf people who pick it when they weren't paying attention and need you to repeat what you said. All in all that leaves about three Canadians that don't say 'eh' who can talk and a few no numbers available who don't say 'eh' or anything else unless of course there is a sign for it. I hope this disspells the 'Eh' mythology.

DonaldHRoberts 7 Nov 24
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My first husband was French Canadian (RIP), and I picked up 'eh?' because it sure beat the intellectual hell out of the Neanderthal grunt, 'huh?' that I grew up with in Indiana.

EllenDale Level 7 Nov 25, 2018

Sidenote: I got into the habit of saying, "Fuckin' eh" until I was told It's "fuckin' A" as in asshole. Doesn't mean the same to me. ?


I try to avoid saying it...such a stereotype thing now.


What do you think. eh?

Davekp Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

I’ve always said Canadians say “eh?” and Americans say “huh? ”. Either way it’s basically an acknowledgement of the subject. I notice it more now that I live in the states. Whereas, I noticed the “huh” more when I lived in Canada

Green_eyes Level 8 Nov 24, 2018

I think you hear the word 'EH?' and 'RIGHT?' more in the Maritimes and Ontario, especially in rural Ontario. It seems to be frowned upon in polite conversation and the upper middle class just hates it, who can say if upper class Canadians even speak Canadian? 😉

Surfpirate Level 9 Nov 24, 2018

@Holiday My family in the Muskokas use it a lot, those of us in my family from Toronto not so much. I live in Eastern Ontario now and I hear it quite often and the men I used to hire from the Maritimes often used Eh and Right. It just gets thrown into the mix.


Balderdash and humbug. All Canadians say "eh", actually "eh?" It is mandatory in standard received Canadian, much as "n'est-ce pas? or "nicht wahr?" are in their respective idioms. Failure to insert "eh?" appropriately in conversation is a sure indicator of low intelligence and/or poor breeding.

Arouet Level 7 Nov 24, 2018

A friend of mine does it a lot, but he only does it to make his American friends laugh. Those hosers Doug and Bob Mckenzie. lol


I don't use the term, & neither does my husband, kids, or most people we know.

Sorry eh!

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