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Do you all think the coronavirus is such a threat to Canada that such measures must be taken? There are cases in Ontario already. Quebec wants to send repatriate Chinese-Canadian citizens. IS this legal? Or does only Quebec get to do this since they follow French law rather than English law?


demifeministgal 8 Jan 29
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There you go. It is only the civil law that is different.

“Quebec law is unique in Canada because Quebec is the only province in Canada to have a juridical legal system (pertaining to the administration of justice) under which civil matters are regulated by French-heritage civil law. Public law, criminal law and other federal law operate according to Canadian common law.”

Jean-Marc Level 3 Feb 1, 2020

We need to be on are toes and be ready to employ in an instant but repatriate is not the answer,ony a scare tactic

RoyMillar Level 9 Jan 29, 2020

It is too soon to tell just how high the kill rate is on this latest coronavirus but it certainly is more of a concern that the common cold and bears watching as well as taking basic precautions for now.
Quebec has Napoleonic Civil Law but Criminal Law is nation wide, Immigration is a Federal Jurisdiction so it is just grandstanding for the racist element in Quebec.
What would be nice is if our governments spent more time focusing on the health and welfare of Canadians and less time worrying about the economic impact of the Coronavirus which is what they all appear to being at the present time.

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 29, 2020

It's a worldwide threat, & for those of us not it top health, it's a worry.

So those with immunodeficiences? Or compromised immunities?

@demifeministgal Yes, along with age.

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