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De Adder gets it right again and #PresidentNero can go f*ck himself

bookofmorons 8 Mar 27
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Great cartoon! The likelihood of Canadians trying to go to the US as they become the epicenter of covid-19 is pretty slim.

Trin81 Level 4 Mar 27, 2020

IF anything, Americans are always trying to come in here, especially after Trump was elected. So we should have military at the borders. Not to mention, they have the highest cases in the world right now. We need to keep Americans out, lest they infect us further!


As long as they stay in their rotting society.. we are all good. 😁

Davekp Level 8 Mar 27, 2020

don't confuse the Chosen One and his gangs of sycophants with the average decent american OK . . . not nice

@bookofmorons yes it’s all for one and one for all until America decides its all theirs.

Without putting too fine a point on things ... and I’m sure you are a very nice person when fed , housed and loved.. but.. your warm and fuzzy “nice guy” persona aside..

Will you be standing in front of the tank telling them to stop? I think not.

@Davekp I spent several decades serving my country and would do so again if called. And you?

@bookofmorons Ah yes.. and there we have it. I expect no less of an answer. You are welcome to your society.. however glorious you may think it to be.

@Davekp apparently we do

@bookofmorons Indeed.

@bookofmorons yes there are good Americans and I feel for them at this time.

@Trin81 It's not about any one particular individual being good or not.

@Davekp so you never answered my question

@bookofmorons Can’t give it a rest, huh?You use military involvement as a reflection of your humanity. And think that’s normal. Ouch.

I have no desire to “engage” ( to use a term I’m sure you can relate to here) with you one way or the other.

Don’t you have a border somewhere to go sit on? Lol

@Davekp I use my service as a commitment to my country and the people who live in it. Seems you take your freedoms for granted and I served for that belief too.

@bookofmoron I feel, with your witty reparte, you are missing out on the "Kill'em all, let god sort 'em out" block party. If you hurry you can still make the Chest Thump and U-S-A Chant rally..which I believe will be followed by the Pin the Medal on the Deluded Ass competition..see what I did there..from donkey to Ass but ultimately the same animal..a rose is arose is a rose.Your decades of cult like programming is contributing greatly to your country's decline. You should take a good hard look at the "Freedom" you think you fought for.

Just a suggestion.

Now if you will excuse's been..ummm fun?.. but like you and your party down the street I have better things to do. Have a great day! 🙂

And by all means I grant you the last word. I wouldn't want to deprive you of that.."I win!!" moment.


about right for sure

RoyMillar Level 9 Mar 27, 2020
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