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1987 version of me with my '87 Buick Grand National.... (Wished I still had that one!).

Ohub 7 Apr 19
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Congratulations on a purchase. Waiting for the pics. Btw, my friend has just bought a mazda rx7 for sale. He’s so happy! Tbh he’s always dreamt of this car, and now his dream has come true. You know the thing I love the most about his purchase is that his wife is so happy for him. I think it’s true love. Tbh, it seems to be hard for people to be glad for somebody. You should have enough inner power to be happy for your friend, wife/husband. And if you are, it’s true love. Anyway, I love how happy our friends are. BW!

blaDers Level 4 Aug 19, 2022

Best friend from HS ordered a T-Type in 1987. He was a Buick nut. He had a 1967 Skylark and 1970 GS455 before that. The GS455 was ofcourse a tire shredding beast. Too bad they didn't have drag radials back then!

Sadly his T-TYPE was totalled during a morning commute. Two idiots fighting over merging onto the interstate collected him with something like 2 payments to go!

After HS I ended up in Missouri, and he was still in Virginia. We met at the Buick GS Nationals for 4 years straight in Bowling Green Kentucky. The Buick club is a class act and put on a great show.


Always loved those cars! Very nice.

Michaeld2e Level 5 Apr 27, 2018

Sweet ride!

JK666 Level 7 Apr 20, 2018
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