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Any Tesla lovers out there? I've had mine since 2013...the 5 year affair is still hot....

Robecology 9 Jan 2
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Did a Model 3 test drive in Salt Lake City last month. Very impressive including the semi autonomous drive feature. 80 mile speed limit on freeway, slow to 70 in construction zone. Got there an hour before closing showed my license and insurance card and he handed me the key card and told me to bring it back before closing. I want one.

rogueflyer Level 8 Nov 19, 2019

Yea, I've used my autopilot a lot less on rural routes; it's too "aware" of changing speed limits...and then slows my car down to an unacceptable (for me) level. I know it's a safety-conscious sometimes I tolerate it...or adapt to it...but it does demand safe driving.

@Robecology Yes, I noticed that. It obeys all the rules. I had an ten-hour drive back to Oregon and it would have been more relaxing although maybe turned it into a twelve-hour trip.


I'm on my 3rd Tesla. First a 2013 S85, sold that and went to a 2015 P85D later upgraded to Ludicrous and since September 1, 2018 now have the Model 3 Performance+ customized with a Liquid Copper wrap, two tone Brown and mango leather interior seating and super light aftermarket wheels. Hoping Tesla offers a true LUDICROUS power level option with air suspension in about 12 months or so. This 2018 turns the quarter mile in 11.72 seconds at 115.48 mph, but I really would like to be in the middle 10 second range without taking the BIG hit for the next generation Roadster

EVgeorge Level 5 Jan 2, 2019

Kudos and congrats. I'm on my second S...had an unlimited-for-life-supercharger 2013 S....Sorry they couldn't "grandfather" me in for the new one. I sat in the "3" and strongly considered it....but the S being offered was on the lot and had all the bells and whistles I wanted...

@Robecology Practical/pragmatic decision. In May when the stock was tanking, I picked up $60k worth and it is now UP 216%. I am (delusional) hoping that it climbs to something like 4X by this time next year. Then I would cash it out, avoid short-term capital gain tax level, AND ......probably order the new Roadster. Realistically all I really want is the true "LUDICROUS" LEVEL Model 3 which gets solidly UNDER 3 seconds 0-60 mph and clips under 11 seconds in the quarter (I do take my Tesla to the local drag strip usually about 3X/year. But the performance numbers on the Roadster are really hard to resist.

@EVgeorge Wow...I hope you held on to the stock for last August's 5 way split...It made my $20K go to $200K...

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Posted by LorajayWill someone please tell Hercules to wrap the cat in a big blanket first.

Posted by NoSheepHappy to find this group! My daughter’s 1970 Cadillac Sedan DeVille

Posted by RebootingNew to the group...a bit of a BMW enthusiast, at this point. Picture of my current cars -

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Posted by OhubCleaned up my 4C last night and took it to a loc car show this morning. There were three 4Cs there - which might be about the total of them in Omaha. The third 4C parked in a different area.

Posted by OhubCleaned up my 4C last night and took it to a loc car show this morning. There were three 4Cs there - which might be about the total of them in Omaha. The third 4C parked in a different area.

Posted by RobecologyAny Tesla lovers out there? I've had mine since 2013...the 5 year affair is still hot....

Posted by RobecologyAny Tesla lovers out there? I've had mine since 2013...the 5 year affair is still hot....

Posted by RobecologyAny Tesla lovers out there? I've had mine since 2013...the 5 year affair is still hot....

Posted by EVgeorgeGot my newest Tesla last week after selling my 2015 Model S P85DL the day before.

Posted by EVgeorgeGot my newest Tesla last week after selling my 2015 Model S P85DL the day before.

Posted by SecretguyBack home again

Posted by EVgeorgeJust took delivery if my new Tesla Model 3 Performance+. Looking forward to getting it wrapped in "Liquid Copper" next week and then getting the seating redone in two tone perforated leather.

Posted by EVgeorgeJust took delivery if my new Tesla Model 3 Performance+. Looking forward to getting it wrapped in "Liquid Copper" next week and then getting the seating redone in two tone perforated leather.

Posted by EVgeorgeJust took delivery if my new Tesla Model 3 Performance+. Looking forward to getting it wrapped in "Liquid Copper" next week and then getting the seating redone in two tone perforated leather.

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