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My deceased husband got a '39 chevy half ton pick up to restore and restore it he did. he/we worked on it for years and for a long time before he died i begged him to take it 'round to the local car shows. he, for whatever reason, would not. so now it sits (garage kept) and i haven't the heart to take it anywhere for show. kinda sad. he would go out on errands with it but it hasn't been seen locally for quite some time now.

blueskies 7 May 27
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Take it out and enjoy it. He obviously loved it, you helped and love it..... drive it around, go to meets/shows, view it as a tribute to y'alls time together and a passion you shared.

Suffolkian Level 5 May 29, 2018

i should, i really should!


Any cruises around where you are? Might be fun.

Secretguy Level 7 May 28, 2018

there is one but expensive to get into. will be checking for more now....

@blueskies Really? No free ones...just where car people are handing out? That's too bad.

@Secretguy one of the local electric coops here puts one on every year and charges for the privilege of attending with your ride. admission is also charged to folks just coming to look ...

or do you mean a cruise something like the hot rod power tour that happens every year?

@blueskies []

@Secretguy thanks for the link but wouldn't you know it, NONE in the state of sc (where i reside)... or georgia or close to me in nc! ack! this can't be reality as i've seen a lot of older cars on the roads . . .

@blueskies Wow...that's crazy. So sorry.


Many places have Saturday morning "cars and coffee" gatherings, much less formal than a show. You might want to check your area. It would be an easy way to introduce the car to the community.

EVgeorge Level 5 May 28, 2018

will be checking into that.... thank you for that idea


If you worked on it together it is part of your life. Get a custom plate to commemorate him and show it

zorialoki Level 8 May 27, 2018

yes, it was a big part of my life. the tag is a good idea! thanks

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