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I think there's factual criticism for both sides of every policy issue.

I'm mostly left leaning except gun rights and oppose (edited) most the gun laws I've heard bc it doesn't seem like they'd be effective at reducing gun deaths significantly. I mostly object to increasing restrictions for responsible people beyond current federal restrictions.

I also think we can reduce gun deaths while maximizing rights and maximizing rights should part of every discussion.

educatedredneck 7 July 14
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Is reducing America’s gun violence possible without first reducing the causes of America’s violence?

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 17, 2019

Why do you oppose gun laws that keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill?

Heraclitus Level 8 July 14, 2018

I worded the OP poorly, thanks for pointing that out. I do support some gun laws, including bans on people convicted of DV. I'm not sure what more we can about keeping guns away from dangerous people w mental health diagnosis, but am open to suggestions.

I'll edit the OP a bit, thank you again

@educatedredneck I know there is no simple solution. There is a concern that if anyone with a mental diagnosis automatically has their guns taken away, then such people may avoid seeking help and medication, and will only get worse.

How about we try to actually take some steps to help the mentally ill? Perhaps if they had proper treatment and resources available...and not kicked out the door b/c some bean counter at Make Me Rich Insurance Corp told the doc they had to be released b/c profits were in jeopardy, we might not have the problem. My ex sister in law was bi-polar and had attempted suicide 5-6 times over the course of 10+ years (typically pills or slicing wrists). Every time she would be admitted, and every time she was released b/c the insurance money ran out. About 10 years ago she took a shotgun and blew her head off on Thanksgiving Eve. That would have been hard to do had she been in the hospital getting the care needed and being monitored.