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For Halloween I bought a wig and borrowed daughter's lipstick and polish. Rest is just normal, well regular, ol' me!
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DWM, was a single parent of 2 daughters, but now with an empty nest and spoiling 1 granddaughter. Grew up with religion in Tn, worked in retail (started at 3y/o in family grocery store), factories, construction, USMC, and then IT (software and info. security). Traveled the world, and if I one day cover Okinawa to Somalia, I will have completely circled the Earth. Speak English, un poco Espanol, and working on Mandarin. Currently (if you can call it that) guitar, mandolin, and banjo. Master's in Computer Engineering and couple martial arts belts (1st degree Black in Okinawa karate and brown in Korean Tae Kwon Do). Use to ride, but 2nd wreck totaled the bike well as my body - lol

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A Week of American Hate: Bombs Mailed, Black People Executed, Jews Slaughtered
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Imagine if we loved as strong as we hated.
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I would be afraid during oral or traditional sex, she would either squeeze me in two, or pop my head off with those thighs.
Another nerdy girl.
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Beautiful...a little too anorexic for my preferences, but I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.
I'm working on a new perfume called "Forever Alone". It smells like "Lean Cuisine" and cats.
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Does it come in a fragrence for him? I might need to buy a gallon or 3.
Do you like biopics?
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I hardly ever watch TV...and if I do it's typically documentaries or PBS. I also enjoy movies (with a good protagonist and plot), so yes...I like well written biopics, but I'm a bit odd in my entertainment preferences. As far a being about musicians and does the music help...depends if I am interested in the story. If it was about Taylor Swift...I could give a rat's ass less about it. I am a punk-a-billy rocker, but I can appreciate the talent of Andre Segovia, so while not my top #1 favorite musician or style, I would be down to watch b/c I respect him as a musician.
There was a post in health and happiness that inspired me to post this Atheism Has a Suicide ...
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I read an article about the link between intelligence and depression. Not saying all atheist or agnostics are intelligent (just look as some of my comments), but I would say there is better chance of encountering critical thinking and honest evaluation. I can also see the correlation between those that honestly look at reality and the frustrations/loneliness that results. @alanalorie Thank you for the post and links to the suicide lines. If anyone reading is in this place of depression and hopelessness, please know that there are people on here that do care about you and want to see you remain part of our world.
How can I find more local friends with more in common?
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
If you figure it out, let me know. I am located about an hour east of Memphis Tennessee, so you can imagine what it's like to be a relative liberal atheist in this area. I'm sure it's not far from what you experience in Alabama.
Long parenting post: I often say that not teaching a child to get ready for life as an adult can be ...
jondspen comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Great advice...till you start trying to actually raise kids. After that you have environmental and genetic influences, human imperfections from both the parent and child. My daughters were 10.5 months apart, and raised by me. While I could have told my oldest daughter to get ready an hour early, if I did that with my youngest, not only would she not have her stuff together, she would have still been in bed as we're trying to walk out the door. It's my experience that environment does affect personality development, but people are different, and the same set of stimuli can illicit different responses from different people. While good general advice, parents that are conscious about how they parent probably already know this; parents that just act without introspection won't use this. Really all she is saying is let kids F-up to learn, without F-ing up so serious they affect the rest of their lives...and keep it simple b/c they don't have the brain ability to understand the complexities of the world yet. It amazes me how slapping a PhD on a person seems to make common sense seem so profound and insightful.
Christian TV Host: If Democrats Win They Will Slaughter ‘Tens Of Thousands Of Christians’ | ...
jondspen comments on Oct 27, 2018:
"you better get ready, you better be prepared, if these people ever get power, they’re going to slaughter tens of thousands of pastors, tens of thousands of Christians." - I'm just wondering a few things... First, you're suppose to turn the other how do you prepare for people coming to kill you? Take drama classes so you can die dramatically? Second, doesn't shit like this need to happen to setup the apocalypse and the return of your necrophilia obsession? If your goal is see zombie Jesus come to power...shouldn't you be voting FOR the democrates to help speed things along? Sorry, I know I'm a confused, ignorant atheist. Just hoping for some clarification here...
Trip 3 in Berea, Kentucky. DharmaBum50 and EllenDale loving the visit! Thanks!
jondspen comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I haven't been able to find many people on here nearby. Winter is on the way though, so will be leaving here and heading south to try and avoid the freezing temps.
Happy weekend everybody
jondspen comments on Oct 27, 2018:
This is the last candid photo I took of my dad ( 10/23/18 ).
jondspen comments on Oct 27, 2018:
So sorry. My sympathies to you and your family. I hope your memories throughout the years are filled with smiles more than tears.
I am conducting a brief, informal survey to see which toppings are most popular on a pizza.
jondspen comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Do you believe in Democracy ?
jondspen comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Do you believe in Democracy ? - Yes, but what you go on to describe is not democracy, but attempted implementations of the idea. I also believe that democracy can be manipulated, hijacked, or outright bought. People are too lazy, ignorant, and indifferent to keep our current (and past) forms of democracy on track...and I feel we are 100 or so years away from essentially crumbling. I believe the government (aka - military industrial banking complex - not the whites) will continue in some form to enslave and murder the world for profit, but the sheeple will continue to support Oceania.
If you could solve one world problems it would be…?
jondspen comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Education - while all the problems listed by others are very important, I feel education is the only thing that will fix our problems. Child abuse - educating the public of the signs, educating the victims that people do care, educating the abusers of why they do this. Hunger - educating the world about alternative solutions like The Venus Project, educating society that we have technology that corporations hide from us behind patents, educating local people about self-sustainability as we combine 1930's experience with 2018 technologies. Religion - educating yourself on the history/theology of your religion, studying others without bias, educating yourself on philosophy, logical reasoning, and how to ask questions.
Just wanted to say that most days we get new members.
jondspen comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I think I'm a new member, but can't recall...
My sister followed "The Rules" book and adhered to it.
jondspen comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Here's the problem today.... I ask you accuse me of sexual harassment. I don't ask you out...I'm not an alpha male and don't deserve you b/c you're pussy is that special and should be chased after. I open the door...I insult you b/c you are an independent and strong woman. I don't open the door...I'm an insensitive ass that doesn't appreciate know how to treat a woman. I pay for the meal...I am a sexist b/c I feel you need a man to support you. I don't pay for the meal...I am cheap and you question if I can properly provide for you. Western women are so fucking spoiled and delusional, with no idea of what they want, or are too afraid to admit to themselves what they want, they can't realize what a shit experience it is to date them. Guys are expected to rut and fight over an over-weight woman with no fashion sense, just to show how special we think you are b/c your narcissistic dating bio says so. Yet when we do, we never get any compliments or thanks for it. Attitudes toward dating are just like a wedding's HER day...and you better do anything and everything for her with no expectations of having any of your needs met (conversation, interest, attraction, etc).
What Won't You Eat? One Point For Each.Just checked-5 for me.
jondspen comments on Oct 25, 2018:
13 - but it's a can't vice a won't due to food allergies
Do any of you feel like your mind is a barless prison?
jondspen comments on Oct 23, 2018:
....yes, I am both the guard and prisoner.
Middle Class Destroyed: 50 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than $30,533 A Year
jondspen comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Yea...but didn't a report just com out that unemployment is down to 3% and some change? Oh...I guess working 40 hours full time and STILL needing government subsidies while being labeled a lazy freeloader is what's so great about America. That's if you can even find a job...
Religion Classes My nieces were just over for a few hours and towards the end of the day one of ...
jondspen comments on Oct 22, 2018:
OMFG....the guilt and extortion racket these people get away with.
It's starting to feel like I'm being pushed away by my family and friends who are Christian since I ...
jondspen comments on Oct 22, 2018:
My adopted father kicked me from the table b/c I wouldn't hold hands and pray with them. I said something along the lines of you can go ahead but I would rather not hold hands and participate in the I got a well you can get up from my table then. I was a 40 something year old man, over there visiting with my youngest daughter (19 at time). A year or so later, we were able to sit down and talk. At first we traded verses, then I was told I was confused and misguided, then at the end he admitted he didn't understand why prayers and faith didn't seem to work as the bible promised, but was too scared of hell (to face the truth). I was never close to either of them, always knew of my adoption and felt the outsider anyway, only child and grew up a loner, so while it doesn't affect me the same as it might others. I would say that having quality and loving people in your life is more important than keeping a relationship with someone who doesn't respect you simply b/c you don't believe in their superstitions, regardless of shared DNA or decades old legal custody judgments. It's hard, and it sucks...but it's a honing process that makes you a sharper, keener, happier person IMO.
I guess I’m trying to find a common thread with people on here that’s not necessarily faith ...
jondspen comments on Oct 21, 2018:
There's not one theme, b/c this place is a site where MOST people are atheist or agnostic, but varied in that belief an all others. I don't see it being solely theology based faith discussions. There are lots of different topic on here...just being presented by someone that is probably an atheist or agnostic.
Size matters, especially when it comes to condoms. []
jondspen comments on Oct 21, 2018:
When I was deployed to Japan, we had to get the x-large size, b/c the normal size was REALLY small for most American guys. As far as this article, guess if it's true, then I am above average (which I have also heard from past partners). You always hope it's true, but w/o external verification, it's always in the back of your mind if you're just lying to yourself. lol
Do You Believe The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Actually Happened?
jondspen comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I believe it happened, and I also believe it was staged. Yes, I believe in aliens, but irregardless of that, if I was in charge of the thing, would I want to take a chance to broadcast dead American astronauts on live TV? I think we went, but fake footage was created to act as filler or to be used in case a cover up was needed, or to hide live events occurring. People seem to argue either/or, and don't see the pattern of deceit in our government, or the obvious logic in having footage available to run while you go off and do top secret shit, or deal with problems that you don't want to be know publicly. No proof, but just makes sense to me.
Do atheists observe Halloween?
jondspen comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I use to boycott holidays when I first became an atheist, but then I realized I'm not going to let someone else's delusion or POV dictate how I live and enjoy life. Kids may say if I step on a crack, I break my mother's back. That doesn't mean I spend the rest of my life intentionally watching every step I take b/c of some absurd belief. If you want to boycott...go ahead. If you want to participate and enjoy them for the secular holidays they have become...then I also say go ahead.
Has anyone else had a religious friend ask where your sense of morality comes from?
jondspen comments on Oct 17, 2018:
When I walked away from church and religion, I had one of the elder's wife call me up to get me back in. At one point, she argued that christianity is great is wonderful b/c w/o it we wouldn't have all the medical hospitals (Babtist Memorial, lebonheur methodist, etc.) I asked her how all the people in China and India have gotten medical care if only christianity is responsible for caring and compassion towards others. All I got in response was <crickets>
Good morning from south Florida, where do you live?
jondspen comments on Oct 16, 2018:
About an hour from Memphis, TN....was 47 this morning. Trying to talk myself into getting out of bed and go exercise. I'm realizing Im not a very motivational speaker....
Study Examines Ethical Violations in Child Custody Evaluations [mensrights.
jondspen comments on Oct 16, 2018:
So where are all the feminist on this site chiming in and supporting "equal rights and treatment"? I thought the whole feminist movement goal was that women should have the same rights and be treated the same as men, not just when it benefits them?
Alex Jones.
jondspen comments on Oct 11, 2018:
No...he was attacked and silenced to see if the American people are willing to give up more of their rights, or at least not fight when other's rights are violated. II know others have said freedom of speech has limits, but who defines those limits? Elected officials, who haven't followed the wishes of the people in decades? And if we can create a speech police, what are the safeguards to keep them from shooting unarmed people for speaking a word? Cops kill unarmed people daily without any type of inditement, much less conviction or even a departmental reprimand. I would suggest people read the poem "First they came...", and think about our willingness to turn a blind eye to the suffering or violation of other's rights, even those you don't agree with.
Should expel or limit trolls?
jondspen comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Define troll? A lot of people on here would say I am a troll b/c I don't accept the current zeitgeist that white men are evil and the root of all problems in the world. I typically call out racism or sexism, regardless of the race or sex of the person. I spent 6-yrs in the Marine Corps, serving beside other races and sexes. I was a single father raising two teen daughters and have seen the hypocrisy of our society. Yet every time you make an argument, people personally attack you and misdirect on a straw man tangent. No...I think the best thing is to keep it open. There is a block option on here. If the person is a fool with what they say, you can block them. If you are the fool who lives in an echo chamber, you can still block them.
I do not profess to be a Taylor Swift fan; at least not until now.
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
So what...she used her popularity to goad people into voting for her agenda. Just another example of her self-serving hypocritical feminism....I'm not impressed.
Ha! I just had a woman ring my doorbell and want to talk to me about god.
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
lol...I would have loved to see her reaction
Follow the money.
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
I will agree they won't change, and I will agree with the assessment of women, but I disagree it is exclusive to women in one political party, nor that they are the sole holders of "power of privilege". Everyone uses what and who they can to make sure they and their family is taken care of first. That's not privilege's just nature.
Career Advice- Follow your dreams or be practical?
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
I voted to follow your dreams, but I don't believe it has to be mutually exclusive. Even if you find a job or career you love, it's still called 'work', not 'play'. There are going to be aspects of anything you do that you will not enjoy. You have to decide two things, how much can you compromise between the two now. Second, and more important, how flexible will you be in this career you choose now to change when your willingness to compromise b/w freedom and security as you get older, wiser, etc. changes. I heard someone say once, life isn't a game, it's a series of games....many being played at the same time. The secret is not to focus winning one game, at the detriment of all the others.
Hey now! Driving to a nearby Yurt air b&b.
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Sounds like a nice relaxing time. Enjoy!
It’s a scary time to be a man. []
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Ya know...most of this crap in her song is stuff men can't do either, or at least shouldn't do if they have any common sense or self-preservation instincts. Walk alone at night, leave doors/windows unlocked, leave drink unattended...I can be a victim of violence just like a woman. Please quite patronizing me telling me how great I got it. To all the supporters of her song that women are more special when victimized, yea yea, I know...we're all created equal, some are just more equal than others.
There goes the neighborhood! So there I was in a Kirklands store browsing.
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Sounds like you handled it well. I'm sure somewhere deep down in her brain she has to be thinking that a seemingly nice normal person had a decent conversation with her, until her prejudice shut it down. I hope every time she looks at those tables, she thinks of you.
This morning on my way to work I hydroplaned and went into a tail spin.
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
You know, in moments like this, it is said we bare our true selves and hopes for our lives... You said "Oh Fuck" Shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to help you in your quest for heaven :D
I swear i don't fit into society anymore, i mean i was always on the outskirts of counter-culture ...
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
You might find it, but good luck. One, with this whole social media, my own brand, mentality, seems finding people willing to "tribe" up isn't the norm. IMO you seem to find people that "hang out" with certain groups to identify with a movement, but never really going deep into friendships. Then as you stated, the main mode of communication between strangers today is via a technology that helps to insulate and maintain separation. Esp for guys, if you don't have a circle of friends by the time you finish HS or college, it's near impossible to find one after 25-30. You might meet a new guy friend from your gf/wifes friends, but we don't seek or even allow it to happen naturally (homophobia - or at least fear of appearance)?
Sneezing and 'bless you'?
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Sometimes I won't say anything Sometimes I will say "Bless you" Sometimes I will attempt to perform an Exorcism, screaming "Demon begone!!!" It really just depends on the situation...
Happy Columbus..
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
lol....Happy Indigenous People day, where we remember displacing and murdering all the races and cultures we have encountered in the name of capitalism.
A little second-hand advice for the fellas out there, looking to impress women.
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
I have little puppies and bunnies painted on mine. Women like nice nails - check. Women like puppies and bunnies - double check.
Men who cannot express their feelings
jondspen comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Your whole post makes me feel....
What band or artist has influenced you the most?
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Tiny Tim, Sammy Davis Jr., and Slayer
What life-altering things should every human ideally get to experience at least once in their lives?
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women! Either that or's a tough call...
Stereotypes are facts of life.
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
I have always said, I don't stereotype people; but if they want to stereotype themselves, there is nothing I can do about it.
What's a love life?
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
I read your post and thought, "This has to be a guy living in a western culture country!" Does that make me sexist, or insightful? I would wager the presence of certain genitalia will influence the responses...
Does anyone have a favorite sushi restaurant .If so why
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Piranha Killer Sushi - if you're talking about "sushi house" type of place. Ate at one around DFW area and it was pretty good.
When was the last time you ate sushi?
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Too long ago, at least for the good stuff. Had some crappy Chinese buffet about a month ago; I don't think the people were even Zhongguo ren. Kroger has a sushi counter; dude is usually there every morning making fresh...and Wed is $5 on all sushi for the day. It's not bad, it's at least fresh, but it's not the best I've had. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to try it in Okinawa or Fuji, Japan when I was overseas.
Who still feels we have rights?
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
We have no rights. When you are getting robbed or murdered, what 'rights' do you have? When the police want to arrest you or search your home, what 'rights' do you have. Sure, I know there is stuff written down, but in the instance, when SHTF, and a brutal thug (or criminal if they are not LEO) wants to hurt you, what 'right' exists? Ask the Hawaiian people about their rights. The Italian, Japaneese, German Americans during WWII about theirs. The Phillipino people under Roosevelt? How about black slaves and native americans about their rights? People lie to themselves about freedom b/c they are too scared and/or lazy to face the truth.
[] Atheists Groups Respond to Brett Kavnaugh'sConformation
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
I don't know why so many people put so much faith in the US Government or the Supreme Court. Any organization that rubber stamped slavery, while maintaining to uphold "all men are created equal" is obviously a group of lying hypocrites. Nice article btw...
Happy Monday
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
lol...where's robin?
Only A Sub-Human Cretin Would Make Money From Traumatizing Children
jondspen comments on Oct 8, 2018:
So sad for those innocent kids. So sad it's happening in America. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” ― Emma Lazarus
I walk pretty fast in life.
jondspen comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Oh yea...a couple of time. Glad you didn't get hurt or anything.
IF YOU, LIKE most Americans, believe you’re being screwed by the U.
jondspen comments on Oct 6, 2018:
We're not only being screwed by the political system, but by our government. Started not long after the end of the Civil War, and culminated in Nixon taking us off the gold standard, so we could start charging the cost of war and murder to our 'credit card'.
Now Hiring!
jondspen comments on Oct 6, 2018:
What's the pay and the hours? Is there a 401k? How about parking and holidays?
Looking for an apocalypse survival partner. .
jondspen comments on Oct 6, 2018:
I'll team up with ya...I would suggest you lose the leather though, and the scope. BDUs are more comfortable, moveable, and well as cooler. I would also go with a flashlight or laser sight, and load double aught, slug, double aught, slug if your carry is going to be the shotgun. I got a .300 Blackout to split the pro/con list between 5.56 and 7.62 weapons. Also, you got extra filters for your gas mask? All we need now is to find some damn twinkies!!!!!!
I miss Saturday morning coffee time in bed the most. My singleness is not very fulfilling today.
jondspen comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Sorry you're feeling a little down and incomplete today. You missing THE person, or just having A person?
Having to explain, most of my life, why being bi doesn't mean I cheat and why I post that I am ...
jondspen comments on Oct 6, 2018:
I have not, but people that are bisexual are typically more liberal and open to non-conventional relationships (open marriages, live in third, etc), thus they are perceived as continually living such a lifestyle, even after marriage. I agree though, a hetro married man still finds women attractive, a hetro woman will still find other men attractive...doesn't mean they run off and F them at the drop of a hat. I have had friends in open relationship, and one married couple who had a live in girlfriend. From my discussions, these situations usually end bad, with feelings of jealousy and betrayal. It takes a really strong relationship to survive period, not to mention all the emotional baggage that comes in this type of situation.
Pineapple on pizza
jondspen comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Phuck In A
Leon Lederman, 96, Explorer (and Explainer) of the Subatomic World, Dies
jondspen comments on Oct 5, 2018:
People like this who make amazing contributions to the world die with little, yet society lavashes praise, fame on entertainers. I love Aretha, but are our values really this warped as they appear?
Listening to Collins trying to justify her "yes" vote for confirmation Kavanaugh will always be ...
jondspen comments on Oct 5, 2018:
But I thought all evils in the world were from white men? Where is the outrage that someone attack a woman in public like this! It's her right to promote rape culture if that's her decision, isn't it? Boo on you for trying to silence a strong and open minded woman, you must want to dominate her b/c you are a part of the rape culture.
A week ago would had been My Debra Guernica 33rd BD.
jondspen comments on Oct 5, 2018: sorry for the loss. I hope your memories of her are filed more with smiles than of tears.
Will time one day end ?
jondspen comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Depends on the context of the word 'time' you are using... I don't think anyone uses the Mayan calendar anymore, so in a way, that aspect of time is dead. Will CE be a bygone era like BCE is to our perspective? Maybe it will one day end. Will the universe wind down, maybe contract into a new big bang? I have no clue. Do we understand time enough in relationship to with gravity to even make an assumption? I don't think so.
What happened to the internet?
jondspen comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I've thought the exact same thing from conversations with people I've had on here, and other forums. I know this is a dating site that turned more into an agnostic/atheist hangout, but you would think that a group of people so proud of critical thinking would apply that to all aspects of logic and areas of their lives. I think in the early internet age, we were still conditioned to interacting face to face, so the hatred and insults just were not as natural due to the format of the conversation. I think tv does really program people, and the internet makes it easy to live in an echo chamber. Google doesn't force you to read articles making counter points to your top 10 searches. As far as you're two questions proposed at the end people/interactions are shitty and becoming shittier, or the internet has better info - can't it be both? :) IMO - this is the next step in human evolution. Right now our brains can't process the data into full encompassing truths (not merely accurate personal perceptions). We have got to step up as a species and everyone be a garbage collector and start using this super computer we're born with, otherwise bad, maybe catastrophic decisions may be made.
Plagiarism, anyone?
jondspen comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I looked up plagerism online and was directed to Rian Johnsons THE LAST JEDI
[] Thoughts?? Experiences?? I personally love Jeff Goldblum
jondspen comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I won't share my experiences, nice guys don't kiss and tell, but I too personally love Jeff Goldblum! BTW...what do these two great things have in common?
I've just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and am seeking therapy to improve my coping skills.
jondspen comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Well, you did say in a round about way, so any advice you receive will be from the assumption your interpretation of her words are correct. You need to either look for a new therapist, or confront her that if she can't do her job without superstitions, she should let you know immediately. That is a call only you can make based on the relationship you have with her. I would also ask her why a belief in accepted social delusions and imaginary friends will help her deal with a physical problem. There are a lot of unknowns in this scenario, but I would suggest not to be emotional about it, approach it in a professional manner, and if you don't feel that she can professionally provide you with what you need medically (not what you want), then find someone else. Even if you are close and comfortable with her, if she can't do the job the right way, you need to seek proper medical care from another.
Important security breach
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
lmao....thats funny
October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Thank you for including us men in this issue. So many people think it's only a woman's problem, and men are only violent perpetrators.
Do you realize how many wealthy feel that they exist above the law?
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Yep! Do you realize the average American doesn't care, as long as they can get drunk, take prescription pills, and have a democratic choice between contestants on The Voice or American Idol.
End of the world: MIT prediction from 1973 is proving true
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Scary...but not surprising. I probably won't survive long term after it happens (I'm close to 50 already), but I have made a few preparations myself. Food, shelter, water...can be easily prepared for, at least here in the US. I feel sickness and disease will be a larger problem, along with growing and protecting long term sustainability in some areas. I'm in a rural area near the Mississippi River, so I foresee different circumstances from LA or NYC, Dallas or Arizona.
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
How dare you group all the boys as the same. This kid, and 9 other boys, were assaulted by these 3 a-holes. Another boy stepped up and even stopped the attack it was reported. There are sick evil twisted people in the world, and yes, some of them are male. Please stop attacking all males, esp. insinuating that these poor victims are also part of the problem, just b/c they were born with a penis.
If I worked in a restaurant I'd put an engagement ring in every girls drink
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
lol....that would be funny to watch
How annoyed do you get when a religious person give all credit to god, despite it was you that may ...
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
This is my adopted father...everything wrong is your fault, everything right is because of the gracious love and mercy of his imaginary friend. He gets really annoyed when I call him on it also; that doesn't mean I don't call him on it. Ever heard the saying, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink? It's the best out look I can take toward situations like this. Eventually most people get the hint and start "hiding their light under a bushel" as the old Sunday school song goes. On the other hand....GRTZ!!!!! Way to go on those 30 lbs! That is a huge accomplishment! You up calories for maintenance, or going to keep at same level and try to lose more? I am shooting for 150, then bump to maint and start more strength vice cardio. Hoping to level out around 155.
[] Christine Ford's Attorneys Demand FBI Talk to Them
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
I can't find any other news source (that I trust) with this story. Check BBC, AlJazera, and Reuters. Did see this...which isn't surprising for Trump.
It is a gorgeous day in the DC area. Hope you all have a beautiful day too!
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Ty and U2
The rape culture of the 1980s was alive and well in Sixteen Candles, providing context for the Brett...
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
So you're asserting Ted raped Caroline in the movie? I get you're point about her being passed around, but going back to the scenes, I wouldn't call Ted a rapist. Jake might be a POS, but he is the privledged golden boy. Ted is the geeky nerd that I, and probably the majority of people identify with. Ted is by no means a pillar of moral virtues, but I think his character shows respect and concern for women and his friends. Jakes do exist in society, I don't deny that. I'm just saying most of us are Teds, worried about our female friends being hurt.
Anyone into the Flying Spaghetti Monster? No.. really!
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Aye, I be a pastafarian pirate! Me name be Capt. Malice Cooper. I hope to be ordained one day as a pastafarian priest. If I ever be granted sainthood for my humble service to His Most Glorious Noodly Addendaged Monstrosity, I wish to be called Jolly Ol' Saint Roger, as I be handin' out candy to the good lads and lasses, while the little scallywags be getting instant noodles! RAmen matties!!!
You are my tribe.
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Let's hope we grow up and get there before that happens.
22% of Atheists believe in New Age nonsense.
jondspen comments on Oct 3, 2018:
I believe in new age shat as far as consciousness on mater, power of attraction, meditation and chakras (as a classification system of me as a system...kinda like the OSI model in computer science). I have seen theories about the ancient pyramids being microwave transmitters, ancient aliens, etc. While I'm not shooting messages to E.T., Im not so arrogant to think that we know all there is to know.
Your beliefs don't make you a better person. Your tequila does. Choose wisely.
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
That would be a kick ass commercial catch phrase...
What if James Brown didn't feel good?
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
What if it's not alright with ma'ma? What if this isn't the highway to hell? What if it's a burning rhombus of fire?
So it's looking like the FBI "investigation" is turning out to be a whitewash.
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
What? You mean the system is rigged?!?! Say it ain't so....
Nobel Prize in physics awarded for ‘tools made of light’; first woman in 55 years honored - The ...
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
Kudos to them...awesome job! BTW, how many "first woman" to do something title can they come up with for this? I'm not dissing her, I'm just wondering do we really need the SJW politics for the story?
Myself and late wife raised our daughter to be a gamer.
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
Unfortunately no. I was more a PC gamer, and while my daughter still plays around with maybe a Star Wars title or Minecraft (her husband's hobby on X-box), I can't get her to game with me anymore. We do have a D&D group at the VFW post here, but only 1 girl in the bunch (late 20's?)...other 4-5 are guys 20+ to late 40s.
By the people?
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
Never has...are you shocked? Because of this feature within the system though, we also safeguard against tyranny of the masses. Although I must admit, our government hasn't followed the intended system for decades.
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
I wish. Seems like everyone's in such a hurry to get to some 'point' in a relationship, they forget about the relationship.
It's only Tuesday, folks.
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
lmao wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone had a piñata a day?
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
I'm not sure all here is intelligent reading; check out some of my posts :) Does reading/typing help? Have you seen improvements in your abilities since coming here?
Yes, I can burn the quran the same way I can wipe my ass with the torah and let a dog piss on the ...
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
Can't you use the pages for rolling papers? Why let a dog piss on perfectly good papers?
trump and his dying support of the so-called clean Coal miners! "Kentucky is at the center of ...
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
But he's making their lives so much better and committed to reviving profits, oops...I meant jobs.
Dear dads: Your daughters told me about their assaults.
jondspen comments on Oct 2, 2018:
I agree that women and daughters don't speak up about abuse, and should. I disagree how the article then slanted the story that once again men are to blame for the silence and ignorance. Why is it that everything today must have a misandric slant to it? Did all these dads not have a mom in the house? Was mom told but the secret kept from dad/brothers? What about all the boys who are abused, and told neither mom or dad? Were these dads even a part of their daughter's life when the incidents happened, or was he just a wallet in another state with no input on curfews or friends? Or should I just accept the implied premise of the article is that every female has been a victim and by deed, apathy, or ignorance every man is the problem? I'm really sick of people being distracted by bull-shit SJW agendas instead of opening their fucking eyes to the real problems in our culture. Boys AND girls being molested, raped killed, or killing each other at school. Yet instead of trying to come together for solutions, people seem more preoccupied with placing blame and inflicting punishment.
I have returned after a long(ish) hiatus from this site and so happy to see there is an app now!...
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Good luck with the move...hope it all goes smooth.
Whos up for some squab?
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Ahhh...yep, guess it's close to that time of year. Went dove hunting once as a kid, too damn hot, and didn't like the taste of the meat. Even gamier than duck IMO
Why do people act badly at family events?
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
While it's not the behavior I would have exhibited, we have to take your recollection with a grain of salt, esp. considering it is blatantly obvious he is your ex. The things you said might have not been suave, but I would by no means say he behaved badly from your description. I would classify that more as he didn't do what you expected, and you're being a little harsh. He didn't get drunk, he didn't call her a whore, he didn't call her new husband a pathetic loser who isn't good enough for her...etc. Maybe my bar is set a little too low...maybe your's is set a little too high?? That's all I'm saying :) Gtrz to her and glad you were able to be there for her!
While sleeping when it's warm I like to leave one leg outside the covers in order to moderate body ...
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
All the time...
Do we really want a man consumed with rage, self-pity and hate on the Supreme Court?
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Hell no...only women or minorities can be filled with rage, self-pity and hate in today's society!!!
[] California Requires Women to Serve On Corporate Boards-What Do You Think?
jondspen comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Stupid idea. But that's OK, since to be a 'woman' to these SJWs, you only need to identify internally as one, not with the gender that was assigned to you at birth. Sure I wear a suit and tie, and piss standing up, but that was forced upon me by society and I am truly a woman inside, so let me on the board regardless of qualifications, interests, or any basis on logic or reason.


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For Halloween I bought a wig and borrowed daughter's lipstick and polish. Rest is just normal, well regular, ol' me!
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Beard 7 weeks into growth. Will trim it up after Halloween and No Shave November 2018
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26 years and 3 months later. A few more pounds and lots more grey, but I can still fit into this shirt. Semper Fi
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Captain Malice Cooper - Halloween 2018
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My obligatory cock pic for all the women. Isn't it HUGE?!?!?
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Mardi Gras 2019
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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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  • BirthdayJune 21
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  • Joined Aug 22nd, 2018
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