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Now Hiring!

Nichole765 7 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Is there an opening, I'd love to fill it.


I've got all those qualifications.
I can even supply my own uniforms.
Is it an entry level job?
Doesn't matter on in.


But how much does it pay?


Should be bullet proof!


I am fluent in smart ass, sarcasm and adult language, but don't use it hardly at all.

Oops... my morals are nto questionable.... but I am nudist!

If I weren't legally blind, I'd apply for the sidekick/designated driver position.


What's the pay and the hours? Is there a 401k? How about parking and holidays?

Very limited benefits.

But guaranteed fun.

@Nichole765 Well like I've told many, I'm a clean cut, straight up guy, with just enough 'naughty' mixed in for fun! Do we at least have Pastafarian Pirate Fridays in the office?

@jondspen definitely. Also we have taco Tuesdays. Bring your own tequila.

@Nichole765 I be drinking me lunch that day matie! Argh!!!

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