10 8

Hello from Springfield TN. I don't know any Atheist in person and I feel a bit "alone" here in this little town. Been an atheist since early twenties. Realized I was just lonely and faking the religion.

Piedescent 2 Apr 16
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I live about 45 minutes from you. Your not alone. I have been really surprised by the number of younger atheists I meet here. Granted there in their mid 20s, bit there are many of them. You may want to check out the Sunday Assembly in Nashville.

Heathenman Level 7 May 16, 2019

Here at agnostic, you are not alone.


sorry you feel alone. I do know the feeling . well you could be my friend. I am from northwest Tennessee reelfoot lake are. have a good day brent


Welcome from 'hole in the road' KY. you don't get more isolated than this. could but you would have to drive another five minutes 🙂

freeofgod Level 8 Apr 24, 2019

I have a cousin in KY and she has to drive 40 minutes to walmart lol

@Piedescent Holy guacamole. That's awful.


There are more of us than you realize. Many in the Midwest are still afraid to come out publicly, after all there is no real benefit and a price will be paid for most of us that do. It's always good to for us to know we are not alone no matter where you are.

JesseBoren Level 7 Apr 16, 2019

Yes I know there's danger here for sure. Good to know I'm not alone!

@Piedescent I would think online is much safer than being public about it in some of the small Midwest towns. I know a few who have been attacked over it. It's cost me friends and clients so that's what I mean by a price to be paid about being public. I've seen some studies that suggest a pretty good percentage of those sitting in church every weekend are actually atheists. Some as high as 50% but that's something very difficult to get accurate numbers on but there are some for sure. There are social benefits that go along with joining that community so there is a logical reason for it.


I grew up in Robertson Co. 🤪

I grew up in Florida but moved here in 94


Thanks for all the welcomes!

Piedescent Level 2 Apr 16, 2019

Don't feel alone! You've got the people on this site, plus there are probably literally dozens of us in the area.

Hi, I also live in a town that 41 cuts through a little north of you. I went on a drive once with a date and ended up in Springfield by accident. I was also faking the religious thing at the time, so I totally get it.


Xuande Level 7 Apr 16, 2019

Welcome, from Berea, Kentucky--where even the hippies got religion.


Hello from Chattanooga. If we were closer, I'd invite you for some coffee. I know plenty about feeling alone and it sucks. Though I bet there's at least a few other like-minded people near you. Maybe try contacting the Nashville Humanist Association?

Buxx Level 7 Apr 16, 2019
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Posted by KhaCRJust moved to southern AL from central FL. What a culture shock 🙈 Anyone else?

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by RobertMartinMississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Lousiana, Georgia , Kentucky or West Virginia.

Posted by RobertMartinAnyone who has driven in Desoto County, Ms can relate to this

Posted by RobertMartinRetirement

Posted by StevilA snowman in the south! Frosty is a dirty old man in the south.

Posted by StevilSnow in my part of the south!

Posted by NatureGeekHey, folks! Just signed up here. Currently in Tulsa, OK. Good day, all!

Posted by RoyMooreI'm a Mobile, Alabama, native Agnostic and secular Humanist.

Posted by RoyMooreI'm a Mobile, Alabama, native Agnostic and secular Humanist.

Posted by ballouHowdy from Texas, y'all!

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