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The first time I went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead was an eye opener for me. First, the inappropriate interview with the bishop when I was 12-14 ish and he's asking about me masterbating.

Of course, at the temple, the white onsie with nothing on underneath was awkward... and creepy. You get wet in that onsie and upon leaving the font there are a half dozen old men looking at you.

The whole thing was wrong on multiple levels. I never participated in that again. I was conveniently busy... or sick for those excursions.

Anyone else skipped out on sh!t like this?

Sonja44 7 Aug 15
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THose worthiness interviews and the current generation's refusal to allow their own children to go through them unaccompanied has been a real thorn in the side of the LDS in recent years and has lead to a lot of very unwelcome publicity.
At long last.


I always skipped out on the temple trips. I never went and didn't tell parents when the trip was so they couldn't make me go.

CMan Level 7 Aug 15, 2020

I had a mentally ill mother mixed with a wack-a-do religion. My dad was sane but died when I was 15.
When I turned 18... I was out of there.
Mom called the bishop to come talk me out of leaving... as I'm packing my car... he's telling me how dangerous the world is for young women on their own. I wanted to vomit on him.

@Sonja44 - It is sickening to hear so many stories like yours. Bishops who speak to underaged kids about sexual things when tney are alone with them. The topper of course is when your mom's Bishop tries to tell you how dangerous the world is out there. Try the danger of a Bishop's office!

@RussRAB Their style of communication is riddled with patronizing, condescending, misogynistic language wrapped in their church bullsh!t


I had zero interest at the time, & never wanted to even get to the temple. I was moron in name only, & didn't participate in anything I wasn't made to participate in.

You were lucky then. As soon as I turned 18... I left the house and never looked back.

@Sonja44 I just never got entrenched into it...I don't recall ever believing, & I never fit in with any other the other kids either. I was always the outcast.

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